◄Up► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back► ──Microsoft Foundation Classes────────────────────────────────────────────── void PASCAL AfxDoForAllClasses( void (*pfn)(const CRuntimeClass* pClass, void* pContext), void* pContext ); Parameter Description <pfn> A pointer to an iteration function to execute for each class. The function arguments are a pointer to a CRuntimeClass object and an optional void pointer to extra data that the caller supplies to the function. <pClass> A pointer to a CRuntimeClass object. AfxDoForAllClasses uses this parameter to pass each eligible class in turn to the iteration function. <pContext> A pointer to optional data that the caller can supply to the iteration function. Remarks Executes the specified iteration function for all CObject-derived classes in the application's memory space that support run-time type checking using the DECLARE_DYNAMIC or DECLARE_SERIAL macros. The pointer passed to AfxDoForAllClasses in <pContext> is passed to the specified iteration function each time it is called. NOTE: This function only works in the Debug version of the library. -♦-