Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  void PASCAL AfxDoForAllObjects( void (*pfn)(CObject* pObject,
                                  void* pContext), void* pContext );
  Parameter   Description
  <pfn>       A pointer to an iteration function to execute for each
              object. The function arguments are a pointer to a CObject
              and an optional void pointer to extra data that the caller
              supplies to the function.
  <pObject>   A pointer to an object of class CObject or a class derived
              from it. AfxDoForAllObjects uses this parameter to pass each
              eligible object in turn to the iteration function.
  <pContext>  A pointer to optional data that the caller can supply to the
              iteration function.
  Executes the specified iteration function for all objects derived from
  CObject in the application's memory space. The objects must have been
  allocated with new; stack objects are not enumerated. The pointer passed
  to AfxDoForAllClasses in <pContext> is passed to the specified iteration
  function each time it is called.
  NOTE: This function only works in the Debug version of the library.