◄Up► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back► ──Microsoft Foundation Classes────────────────────────────────────────────── AFX_TERM_PROC AfxSetTerminate( AFX_TERM_PROC proc ); Parameter Description <proc> The name of a termination function that will be called by AfxTerminate. Termination functions must take no arguments and return nothing. Remarks Links AfxTerminate to the specified function. The default termination function is AfxAbort. AfxTerminate is called internally by Microsoft Foundation member functions when there is a fatal error, such as an uncaught exception. Example void MyTerminateProc() // Called instead of AfxAbort { printf( "Out of memory!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } void main() { AfxSetTerminate( MyTerminateProc ); while ( 1 ) { // new calls AfxTerminate if unsuccessful BYTE * p = new BYTE[1024]; // Consume memory printf( "consumed memory at $%x\n", p ); } } See Also ◄AfxAbort►, ◄AfxTerminate► -♦-