Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (
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◄CWnd► ◄Up► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back►
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CDC* BeginPaint( LPPAINTSTRUCT lpPaint );
Parameter Description
<lpPaint> Points to the ◄PAINTSTRUCT► structure that is to receive
painting information.
Prepares CWnd for painting and fills a ◄PAINTSTRUCT► data structure with
information about the painting.
The paint structure contains a ◄RECT► data structure that has the
smallest rectangle that completely encloses the update region, and a
flag that specifies whether the background has been erased.
The update region is set by the ◄Invalidate►, ◄InvalidateRect►, or
◄InvalidateRgn► member functions and by the system after sizing, moving,
creating, scrolling, or any other operation that affects the client
area. If the update region is marked for erasing, BeginPaint sends an
Do not call the BeginPaint member function except in response to a
◄WM_PAINT► message. Each call to the BeginPaint member function must
have a matching call to the ◄EndPaint► member function. If the caret is
in the area to be painted, the BeginPaint member function automatically
hides the caret to prevent it from being erased.
Return Value
Identifies the device context for CWnd. The pointer may be temporary,
and should not be stored beyond the scope of EndPaint.
See Also
◄CWnd::EndPaint►, ◄CWnd::Invalidate►, ◄CWnd::InvalidateRgn►,
◄::BeginPaint►, ◄CPaintDC►