Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
class CBrush
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  The CBrush class encapsulates a Windows graphical design interface (GDI)
  brush. To use a CBrush object, construct a CBrush object and pass it to
  any CDC member function that requires a brush.
  Brushes can be solid, hatched, or patterned.
  See Also
  CBitmap, CDC
  Public Members
  CBrush   Constructs a CBrush object.
  CreateSolidBrush        Initializes a brush with the specified solid
  CreateHatchBrush        Initializes a brush with the specified hatched
                            pattern and color.
  CreateBrushIndirect     Initializes a brush with the style, color, and
                            pattern specified in a LOGBRUSH structure.
  CreatePatternBrush      Initializes a brush with a pattern specified
                            by a bitmap.
  CreateDIBPatternBrush   Initializes a brush with a pattern specified
                            by a device-independent bitmap (DIB).
  FromHandle   Returns a pointer to a CBrush object when given a handle
                 to a Windows HBRUSH object.