Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
CDumpContext::operator <<
CDumpContext                                Up Contents Index Back
──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  CDumpContext& operator <<( const CObject* pOb )
  throw( CFileException );
  CDumpContext& operator <<( const char FAR* lpsz )
  throw( CFileException );
  CDumpContext& operator <<( const void FAR* lp )
  throw( CFileException );
  CDumpContext& operator <<( const void NEAR* np )
  throw( CFileException );
  CDumpContext& operator <<( BYTE by )
  throw( CFileException );
  CDumpContext& operator <<( WORD w )
  throw( CFileException );
  CDumpContext& operator <<( DWORD dw )
  throw( CFileException );
  CDumpContext& operator <<( int n )
  throw( CFileException );
  CDumpContext& operator <<( LONG l )
  throw( CFileException );
  CDumpContext& operator <<( UINT n )
  throw( CFileException );
  Outputs the specified data to the dump context.
  The insertion operator is overloaded for CObject pointers as well as for
  most primitive types. A pointer to char results in a dump of string
  contents; a pointer to void results in a hexadecimal dump of the address
  If you use the IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC or IMPLEMENT_SERIAL macros in the
  implementation of your class, then the insertion operator, through
  CObject::Dump, will print the name of your CObject-derived class.
  Otherwise, it will print CObject. If you override the Dump function of
  the class, then you can provide a more meaningful output of the object's
  contents instead of a hexadecimal dump.
  Return Value
  A CDumpContext reference that enables multiple insertions on a single
  extern CObList li;
  CString s = "test";
  int i = 7;
  long lo = 1000000000L;
  afxDump << "list=" << &li << "string="
          << s << "int=" << i << "long=" << lo << "\n";