Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  virtual UINT Read( void FAR* lpBuf, UINT nCount )
  throw( CFileException );
  Parameter   Description
  <lpBuf>     Pointer to the user-supplied buffer that is to receive the
              data read from the file.
  <nCount>    The maximum number of bytes to be read from the file. For
              text-mode files, carriage return-linefeed pairs are counted
              as single characters.
  Reads data into a buffer from the file associated with the CFile
  Return Value
  The number of bytes transferred to the buffer.
  NOTE: For all CFile classes, the return value may be less than <nCount>
        if the end of file was reached.
  extern CFile cfile;
  char pbuf[100];
  UINT nBytesRead = cfile.Read( pbuf, 100 );
  See Also