Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
class CStatic
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  The CStatic class provides the functionality of a Windows static
  control. A static control is a simple text field, box, or rectangle that
  can be used to label, box, or separate other controls. A static control
  takes no input and provides no output.
  You create a static control in two steps. First, call the constructor
  CStatic to construct the CStatic object, then call the Create member
  function to create the static control and attach it to the CStatic
  If you create a CStatic object within a dialog box (through a dialog
  resource), the CStatic object is automatically destructed when the user
  closes the dialog box.
  If you create a CStatic object within a window, you may also need to
  destroy it. A CStatic object created on the stack within a window is
  automatically destroyed. If you create the CStatic object on the heap by
  using the new function, you must call delete on the object to destroy it
  when the user terminates the Windows static control.
  See Also
  CWnd, CButton, CComboBox, CEdit, CListBox, CScrollBar,
  CModalDialog, CDialog
  Public Members
  CStatic   Constructs a CStatic object.
  Create   Creates the Windows static control and attaches it to the
             CStatic object.
  Windows 3.1 Functions
  SetIcon   Associates an icon with an icon resource.
  GetIcon   Retrieves the handle of the icon associated with an icon