Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
CString                                     Up Contents Index Back
──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  int CompareNoCase( const char* psz ) const;
  Parameter   Description
  <psz>       The other string used for comparison.
  Compares this CString object with another string, character by
  character; uses the run-time function stricmp. The algorithm for
  deciding case applies only to ASCII characters: ('A' == 'a' -> 'Z' ==
  If you need a language-specific comparison, use the Collate member
  Return Value
  0    The strings are identical (ignoring case).
  -1   This CString object is less than <psz> (ignoring case).
  1    This CString object is greater than <psz> (ignoring case).
  CString s1( "abc" );
  CString s2( "ABD" );
  ASSERT( s1.CompareNoCase( s2 ) == -1 ); // Compare with a CString
  ASSERT( s1.Compare( "ABE" ) == -1 ); // Compare with a char * string
  See Also
  CString::Compare, CString::Collate