Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  int EndPage();
  Informs the device that the application has finished writing to a page.
  This member function is typically used to direct the device driver to
  advance to a new page.
  The member function is provided as a convenient way to send the NEWFRAME
  escape. It allows the application to access facilities of a particular
  device that are not directly available through GDI. The escape call is
  translated and sent to the device driver.
  Return Value
  Positive if successful; otherwise, it is an error value, which can be
  one of the following:
  Value            Meaning
  SP_ERROR         General error.
  SP_APPABORT      Job was terminated because the application's abort
                   function returned zero.
  SP_USERABORT     User terminated the job through Print Manager.
  SP_OUTOFDISK     Not enough disk space is currently available for
                   spooling, and no more space will become available.
  SP_OUTOFMEMORY   Not enough memory is available for spooling.
  See Also
  CDC::StartPage, CDC::StartDoc