Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  void OffsetRect( int x, int y );
  void OffsetRect( POINT point );
  void OffsetRect( SIZE size );
  Parameter   Description
  <x>         Specifies the amount to move left or right. It must be
              negative to move left.
  <y>         Specifies the amount to move up or down. It must be negative
              to move up.
  <point>     Contains a POINT or CPoint specifying both dimensions by
              which to move.
  <size>      Contains a SIZE or CSize specifying both dimensions by which
              to move.
  Moves CRect by the specified offsets. Moves CRect <x> units along the
  x-axis and <y> units along the y-axis. The <x> and <y> parameters are
  signed values, so CRect can be moved left or right, and up or down.