Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  int SetAbortProc( short ( FAR PASCAL EXPORT* lpfn )( HDC, short ) );
  Parameter   Description
  <lpfn>      A pointer to the abort function to install as the abort
              procedure. For more about this callback function, see
  Installs the abort procedure for the print job.
  If an application is to allow the print job to be canceled during
  spooling, it must set the abort function before the print job is started
  with the StartDoc member function or the STARTDOC escape, which are
  equivalent. Print Manager calls the abort function during spooling to
  allow the application to cancel the print job or to process
  out-of-disk-space conditions. If no abort function is set, the print job
  will fail if there is not enough disk space for spooling.
  Note that new features of Microsoft C/C++ let you use an ordinary
  function as the function passed to SetAbortProc. The address passed to
  EnumObjects is a FAR pointer to a function exported with __export and
  with the Pascal calling convention. In protect-mode applications, you do
  not have to create this function with the Windows MakeProcInstance
  function or free the function after use with FreeProcInstance.
  You also do not have to export the function name in an EXPORTS statement
  in your application's module-definition file. You can instead use  the
  __export function modifier, as in
  short FAR PASCAL __export AFunction( HDC, short );
  to cause the compiler to emit the proper export record for export by
  name without aliasing. This works for most needs. For some special
  cases, such as exporting a function by ordinal or aliasing the export,
  you still need to use an EXPORTS statement in a module-definition file.
  For compiling Foundation programs, you'll normally use the /GA and /GEs
  compiler options. The /Gw compiler option is not used with the
  Foundation classes. (If you do use MakeProcInstance, you will need to
  explicitly cast the returned function pointer from FARPROC to the type
  needed in this API.) Callback registration interfaces are now type-safe
  (you must pass in a function pointer that points to the right kind of
  function for the specific callback).
  Also note that all callback functions must trap Foundation exceptions
  before returning to Windows, since exceptions cannot be thrown across
  callback boundaries. For more information about exceptions, see Chapter
  12 in the <Class Libraries User's Guide>.
  Callback Function
  The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention, must be
  exported with __export, and must be declared FAR.
  short FAR PASCAL __export AbortFunc( HDC <hPr>, short <code> );
  The name <AbortFunc> is a placeholder for the application-supplied
  function name. The actual name must be exported as described in the
  "Remarks" section above.
  Parameter   Description
  <hPr>       Identifies the device context.
  <code>      Specifies whether an error has occurred. It is 0 if no error
              has occurred. It is SP_OUTOFDISK if Print Manager is
              currently out of disk space and more disk space will become
              available if the application waits. If <code> is
              SP_OUTOFDISK, the application does not have to abort the
              print job. If it does not, it must yield to Print Manager by
              calling the PeekMessage or GetMessage function.
  Return Value
  The return value of the abort-handler function is nonzero if the print
  job is to continue, and 0 if it is canceled.
  Return Value
  Specifies the outcome of the SetAbortProc function. Some of the
  following values are more probable than others, but all are possible.
  Value            Meaning
  SP_ERROR         General error.
  SP_OUTOFDISK     Not enough disk space is currently available for
                   spooling, and no more space will become available.
  SP_OUTOFMEMORY   Not enough memory is available for spooling.
  SP_USERABORT     User terminated the job through the Print Manager.