Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  UINT SetTimer( int nIDEvent, UINT nElapse,
                 UINT (FAR PASCAL EXPORT* lpfnTimer)(HWND, UINT, int,
                 DWORD) );
  Parameter   Description
  <nIDEvent>  Specifies a nonzero timer identifier.
  <nElapse>   Specifies the time-out value, in milliseconds.
  <lpfnTimer> Specifies the address of the application-supplied TimerProc
              callback function that processes the WM_TIMER messages. If
              this parameter is NULL, the WM_TIMER messages are handled by
              the CWnd.
  Installs a system timer. A time-out value is specified, and every time a
  time-out occurs, the system posts a WM_TIMER message to the installing
  application's message queue or passes the message to an
  application-supplied TimerProc callback function.
  Timers are a limited global resource; therefore, it is important that an
  application check the value returned by the SetTimer member function to
  verify that a timer is actually available.
  The <lpfnTimer> callback function need not be named TimerProc, but it
  must be defined as follows, and return 0.
          HWND hWnd,              //handle of CWnd that called SetTimer
          UINT nMsg,              //WM_TIMER
          int nIDEvent            //timer identification
          DWORD dwTime            //system time
  Return Value
  The timer identifier to use in KillTimer if the function is successful;
  otherwise 0.
  See Also
  WM_TIMER, CWnd::KillTimer, ::SetTimer, CWnd::FromHandle