Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes (mfcole.hlp) (Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes──────────────────────────────────────────
  void AfxOleSetEditMenu( COleClientItem* pClient, CMenu* pMenu,
                          UINT iMenuItem, UINT nIDVerbMin );
  Parameter    Description
  <pClient>    A pointer to the client item.
  <pMenu>      A pointer to the menu object that is to be updated.
  <iMenuItem>  The index of the menu item that is to be updated.
  <nIDVerbMin> The command ID that corresponds to the primary verb.
  This global function updates the client's document window menu with the
  appropriate server name and applicable verbs. If the server recognizes
  only a primary verb, then no verbs appear on the menu and the
  <nIDVerbMin> command is sent when the user clicks the server name. If
  the server recognizes several verbs, then a pop-up verb list appears
  when the user clicks the server name. When the user selects a verb,
  <nIDVerbMin> is sent if the first verb is chosen, <nIDVerbMin> + 1 is
  sent if the second verb is chosen, and so forth.
  To process the menu commands, you can override CWnd::OnCommand, then
  filter command messages (identified by the OnCommand <lParam> parameter)
  that are in the range of valid verbs (<nIDVerbMin> and greater).
  Subtract <nIDVerbMin> from the command parameter, yielding the
  zero-based verb index. Use this index as a parameter to the
  COleClientItem::Activate member function.
  You must have the following statements in your client application's
  resource (.RC) file:
  #include <afxoleui.h>
  #include <afxres.h>
  #include <afxoleui.rc>
  See Also