Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes (mfcole.hlp) (Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes──────────────────────────────────────────
  HANDLE GetData( OLECLIPFORMAT nFormat, BOOL& bMustDelete );
  Parameter     Description
  <nFormat>     Specifies the format in which data is returned. This
                parameter can be one of the predefined Clipboard formats
                or the value returned by the native Windows
                RegisterClipboardFormat function.
  <bMustDelete> A reference to a BOOL value that the function sets to TRUE
                if you are responsible for the deletion of the retrieved
                data (through the Windows GlobalFree function). If the
                function sets <bMustDelete> to FALSE, then you must copy
                the data if you need to keep it.
  Retrieves OLE item data in the requested format.
  Return Value
  A handle to an entity that contains the data. If <nFormat> is
  CF_METAFILEPICT or CF_BITMAP, then this handle is a Windows GDI object
  handle; otherwise it is a global memory block handle.