Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes (mfcole.hlp) (Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes──────────────────────────────────────────
  void SetColorScheme( LPLOGPALETTE lpLogPalette );
  Parameter      Description
  <lpLogPalette> A pointer to a Windows LOGPALETTE structure.
  A client application uses the SetColorScheme member function to change
  the color scheme. The client does not need to call SetColorScheme every
  time a server is opened. The first palette entry in the LOGPALETTE
  structure specifies the foreground color recommended by the client
  application. The second palette entry specifies the background color.
  The first half of the remaining palette entries are fill colors, and the
  second half are colors for lines and text.
  Client applications should specify an even number of palette entries.
  When there is an uneven number of entries, the server interprets the odd
  entry as a fill color; that is, if there were five entries, three would
  be interpreted as fill colors and two as line and text colors. When
  server applications render metafiles, they should use the suggested