Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes (mfcole.hlp) (Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes──────────────────────────────────────────
  void SetTargetDevice( HANDLE hData );
  Parameter   Description
  <hData>     Identifies a native OLE StdTargetDevice memory structure
              that describes the target device for the object.
  Specifies an item's target output device.
  Allows a linked or embedded item to be formatted correctly for a target
  device, even when the item is rendered on a different device. A client
  application should call this function whenever the target device changes
  so that servers can be notified to change the rendering of the item if
  The client application should call the UpdateLink member function to
  ensure that the information is sent to the server. Do this so that the
  server can make the necessary changes to the item's presentation. The
  client application should call the Draw member function to redraw the
  item if it receives a notification from the server that the item has
  changed. The client does not need to call SetTargetDevice every time a
  server is activated.