Miscellaneous Utilities Help (misc.hlp) (Topic list)
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     The following commands compile a file using CL, assemble a file
     using ML, and build a database using both SBRPACK and BSCMAKE:
          CL /FR /c prog1.c
          ML /FR /c prog2.asm
          SBRPACK prog2.sbr
          BSCMAKE *.sbr
     These commands run SBRPACK on each .SBR file as it is created. A
     separate SBRPACK command isn't needed for PROG1.SBR because CL
     calls SBRPACK automatically. Later in the session, BSCMAKE builds
     a database and names it PROG1.BSC. This combination of commands
     saves space on disk during the program-building session.
     You can create the same database but save running time. The
     following commands call SBRPACK only when BSCMAKE is about to run:
          CL /FR /Zn /c prog1.c
          ML /FR /c prog2.asm
          SBRPACK *.sbr
          BSCMAKE *.sbr
     If these commands are in a makefile, time is saved if the build
     stops before a database is built.