msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
Frame-window messages (1.2)
Message Groups  Overview                          Up Next Previous
WM_ERASEBACKGROUND     Indicates that the background needs erasing
WM_FLASHWINDOW         Starts/stops window flashing
WM_FORMATFRAME         Requests that frame controls be formatted
WM_MINMAXFRAME         Indicates window is minimized, maximized, restored
WM_NEXTMENU            Obtains the next or previous menu
WM_QUERYACCELTABLE     Indicates a request for an accelerator-table handle
WM_QUERYBORDERSIZE     Retrieves the border size of a window
WM_QUERYFRAMECTLCOUNT  Queries the maximum number of frame controls
WM_QUERYFRAMEINFO      Retrieves information about a frame window
WM_QUERYICON           Retrieves the handle to an icon
WM_QUERYTRACKINFO      Indicates a start of track movement
WM_SETACCELTABLE       Sets the handle for the accelerator table
WM_SETBORDERSIZE       Changes a size control
WM_SETICON             Sets a minimized icon
WM_TRACKFRAME          Indicates that a tracking operation is beginning
WM_TRANSLATEACCEL      Translates an accelerator key
WM_UPDATEFRAME         Updates a frame window