msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
Entry-field messages (1.2)
Notification Group  Message Groups  Overview    Up Next Previous
EM_CLEAR           Deletes a selection in an entry field
EM_COPY            Pastes a selection in an entry field
EM_CUT             Deletes a selection in an entry field
EM_PASTE           Pastes from the clipboard
EM_QUERYCHANGED    Checks whether entry-field contents have changed
EM_QUERYFIRSTCHAR  Retrieves offset of the first visible character
EM_QUERYREADONLY   Retrieves read-only state of entry-field
EM_QUERYSEL        Retrieves offsets of first and last characters
EM_SETFIRSTCHAR    Sets first character on left in an entry field
EM_SETINSERTMODE   Sets the insert mode of an entry field
EM_SETREADONLY     Sets the read-only state of an entry field
EM_SETSEL          Sets a selection range in an entry field
EM_SETTEXTLIMIT    Sets maximum number of bytes in an entry field