msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
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BM_CLICK                   Simulates a button click
BM_QUERYCHECK              Retrieves the button check state
BM_QUERYCHECKINDEX         Retrieves the index of a checked radio button
BM_QUERYHILITE             Retrieves the highlighted state
BM_SETCHECK                Sets/removes the button check state
BM_SETDEFAULT              Sets/removes a button's default state
BM_SETHILITE               Sets/removes a button's highlighted state
CBM_HILITE                 Sets drop-down button highlighting in combo box
CBM_ISLISTSHOWING          Determines whether a combo-box list is showing
CBM_SHOWLIST               Shows or hides the list box in a combination box
EM_CLEAR                   Deletes a selection in an entry field
EM_COPY                    Pastes a selection in an entry field
EM_CUT                     Deletes a selection in an entry field
EM_PASTE                   Pastes from the clipboard
EM_QUERYCHANGED            Checks whether entry-field contents have changed
EM_QUERYFIRSTCHAR          Retrieves offset of the first visible character
EM_QUERYREADONLY           Retrieves the read-only state of an entry-field
EM_QUERYSEL                Retrieves offsets of first and last characters
EM_SETFIRSTCHAR            Sets first character on left in an entry field
EM_SETINSERTMODE           Sets the insert mode of an entry field
EM_SETREADONLY             Sets the read-only state of an entry field
EM_SETSEL                  Sets a selection range in an entry field
EM_SETTEXTLIMIT            Sets max. number of bytes in an entry field
HM_ACTIONBAR_COMMAND       Specifies a command from a help window
HM_CREATE_HELP_TABLE       Sets the help table
HM_DISMISS_WINDOW          Closes the help window
HM_DISPLAY_HELP            Displays a help panel
HM_ERROR                   Returns an error from a help window
HM_EXT_HELP                Displays extended help
HM_EXT_HELP_UNDEFINED      Indicates undefined extended help
HM_HELP_CONTENTS           Displays the table of contents
HM_HELP_INDEX              Displays the index
HM_HELPSUBITEM_NOT_FOUND   Cannot find a help panel
HM_INFORM                  Notifies when a hypertext field is chosen
HM_KEYS_HELP               Displays keys help
HM_LOAD_HELP_TABLE         Loads a help-table resource
HM_QUERY_KEYS_HELP         Retrieves the keys-help-panel ID
HM_REPLACE_HELP_FOR_HELP   Replaces general help information
HM_SET_ACTIVE_WINDOW       Sets the active window
HM_SET_HELP_LIBRARY_NAME   Sets the help-window library name
HM_SET_HELP_WINDOW_TITLE   Changes the help-window title
HM_SET_SHOW_PANEL_ID       Displays/hides help-panel IDs
HM_TUTORIAL                Invokes a user tutorial
LM_DELETEALL               Deletes all items in a list box
LM_DELETEITEM              Deletes the specified item from a list box
LM_INSERTITEM              Inserts item text in a list box
LM_QUERYITEMCOUNT          Retrieves the number of items in a list box
LM_QUERYITEMHANDLE         Retrieves the handle to a list-box item
LM_QUERYITEMTEXT           Copies text from a list-box item
LM_QUERYITEMTEXTLENGTH     Retrieves text length of a list-box item
LM_QUERYSELECTION          Retrieves index of a selected list-box item
LM_QUERYTOPINDEX           Retrieves index of the top item in a list box
LM_SEARCHSTRING            Searches a list box for a match
LM_SELECTITEM              Sets the selection state of a list-box item
LM_SETITEMHANDLE           Sets a handle to a list-box item
LM_SETITEMHEIGHT           Sets the height of list-box items
LM_SETITEMTEXT             Sets the text of a list-box item
LM_SETTOPINDEX             Sets an item to the top of a list box
MLM_CHARFROMLINE           Returns the offset to a line
MLM_CLEAR                  Clears selected text in an MLE
MLM_COPY                   Copies selected text from an MLE to the clipboard
MLM_CUT                    Cuts selected text from an MLE to the clipboard
MLM_DELETE                 Deletes text from an MLE
MLM_DISABLEREFRESH         Disables screen refresh for an MLE
MLM_ENABLEREFRESH          Enables screen refresh for an MLE
MLM_EXPORT                 Exports text from an MLE
MLM_FORMAT                 Sets the format for MLE import/export
MLM_IMPORT                 Imports text into an MLE
MLM_INSERT                 Inserts text into an MLE
MLM_LINEFROMCHAR           Determines the line number of an MLE character
MLM_PASTE                  Copies the clipboard contents to an MLE
MLM_QUERYBACKCOLOR         Retrieves the background color of an MLE
MLM_QUERYCHANGED           Determines whether text in an MLE has changed
MLM_QUERYFIRSTCHAR         Retrieves the offset of first visible character
MLM_QUERYFONT              Retrieves current MLE font information
MLM_QUERYFORMATLINELENGTH  Retrieves the formatted MLE line length
MLM_QUERYFORMATRECT        Retrieves MLE dimensions and mode
MLM_QUERYFORMATTEXTLENGTH  Retrieves the length of formatted MLE text
MLM_QUERYIMPORTEXPORT      Retrieves values for the import/export buffer
MLM_QUERYLINECOUNT         Retrieves the number of lines in an MLE
MLM_QUERYLINELENGTH        Retrieves the length of an MLE line
MLM_QUERYREADONLY          Determines the MLE read-only mode
MLM_QUERYSEL               Retrieves the selection position in an MLE
MLM_QUERYSELTEXT           Retrieves selected text from an MLE
MLM_QUERYTABSTOP           Retrieves the MLE tab-stop interval
MLM_QUERYTEXTCOLOR         Retrieves MLE text-color information
MLM_QUERYTEXTLENGTH        Retrieves the length of MLE text
MLM_QUERYTEXTLIMIT         Retrieves the text limit of an MLE
MLM_QUERYUNDO              Determines if MLE can undo an operation
MLM_QUERYWRAP              Retrieves the word-wrap state in an MLE
MLM_RESETUNDO              Resets (clears) the MLE undo flag
MLM_SEARCH                 Searches an MLE
MLM_SETBACKCOLOR           Sets the background color of an MLE
MLM_SETCHANGED             Sets the MLE changed flag
MLM_SETFIRSTCHAR           Sets the first visible character
MLM_SETFONT                Sets MLE font information
MLM_SETFORMATRECT          Sets the MLE format rectangle and mode
MLM_SETIMPORTEXPORT        Sets the MLE import/export buffer
MLM_SETREADONLY            Sets/clears the MLE read-only state
MLM_SETSEL                 Selects text within an MLE
MLM_SETTABSTOP             Sets the MLE tab-stop interval
MLM_SETTEXTCOLOR           Sets text color of an MLE
MLM_SETTEXTLIMIT           Sets maximum characters for an MLE
MLM_SETWRAP                Sets/resets MLE word-wrap
MLM_UNDO                   Undoes an MLE operation
MM_DELETEITEM              Deletes a menu item
MM_DISMISSMENU             Hides a pull-down menu
MM_ENDMENUMODE             Terminates a menu selection
MM_INSERTITEM              Inserts a menu item
MM_ISITEMVALID             Determines whether a menu item is valid
MM_ITEMIDFROMPOSITION      Retrieves the identity of a menu item
MM_ITEMPOSITIONFROMID      Retrieves the position of a menu item
MM_QUERYITEM               Retrieves information about a menu item
MM_QUERYITEMATTR           Retrieves attributes and style bits of menu item
MM_QUERYITEMCOUNT          Retrieves the number of menu items
MM_QUERYITEMTEXT           Copies a menu string to a buffer
MM_QUERYITEMTEXTLENGTH     Retrieves the text length of a menu item
MM_QUERYSELITEMID          Retrieves the identity of a selected menu item
MM_REMOVEITEM              Removes a menu item
MM_SELECTITEM              Selects a menu item
MM_SETITEM                 Sets the definition of a menu item
MM_SETITEMATTR             Sets the attributes of a menu item
MM_SETITEMHANDLE           Sets the handle of a menu item
MM_SETITEMTEXT             Sets the text of a menu item
MM_STARTMENUMODE           Starts a menu selection
PL_ALTERED                 Indicates that profile files have been reset
SBM_QUERYPOS               Retrieves the position of the slider
SBM_QUERYRANGE             Retrieves the boundary values of the slider
SBM_SETPOS                 Sets the position of the slider
SBM_SETSCROLLBAR           Sets the range of the slider
SBM_SETTHUMBSIZE           Sets the size of the slider
SM_QUERYHANDLE             Retrieves the handle to a display object
SM_SETHANDLE               Sets the handle to a display object
TBM_QUERYHILITE            Retrieves the highlight state of the title bar
TBM_SETHILITE              Sets the highlight state of the title bar
TBM_TRACKMOVE              Moves a window
WM_ACTIVATE                Indicates a change in activation state
WM_ADJUSTWINDOWPOS         Indicates a window is about to change position
WM_APPTERMINATENOTIFY      Indicates that an application is terminating
WM_BUTTON1DBLCLK           Indicates a double-click of button one
WM_BUTTON1DOWN             Indicates that button one is down
WM_BUTTON1UP               Indicates that button one has been released
WM_BUTTON2DBLCLK           Indicates a double-click of button two
WM_BUTTON2DOWN             Indicates that button two is down
WM_BUTTON2UP               Indicates that button two has been released
WM_BUTTON3DBLCLK           Indicates a double-click of button three
WM_BUTTON3DOWN             Indicates that button three is down
WM_BUTTON3UP               Indicates that button three has been released
WM_CALCFRAMERECT           Requests that frame controls be formatted
WM_CALCVALIDRECTS          Indicates that a window is being resized
WM_CHAR                    Indicates that the user pressed a key
WM_CLOSE                   Indicates that a window is terminating
WM_COMMAND                 Specifies a control message
WM_CONTROL                 Specifies a control message
WM_CONTROLHEAP             Indicates that a heap handle was requested
WM_CONTROLPOINTER          Indicates mouse movement over a control window
WM_CREATE                  Indicates that a window is being created
WM_DDE_ACK                 Acknowledges receipt of a message
WM_DDE_ADVISE              Indicates whether to advise on data update
WM_DDE_DATA                Indicates that data is available
WM_DDE_EXECUTE             Indicates a string of commands
WM_DDE_INITIATE            Initiates a conversation
WM_DDE_INITIATEACK         Acknowledges the initiation of a conversation
WM_DDE_POKE                Indicates that unsolicited data was sent
WM_DDE_REQUEST             Indicates a request for data
WM_DDE_TERMINATE           Terminates a conversation
WM_DDE_UNADVISE            Indicates that an item doesn't need updating
WM_DESTROY                 Indicates that a window is being destroyed
WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD        Indicates that the clipboard has been emptied
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD           Indicates a change in clipboard contents
WM_DRAWITEM                Indicates that a list-box item needs redrawing
WM_ENABLE                  Indicates that the enable state is changing
WM_ERASEBACKGROUND         Indicates that the background needs erasing
WM_ERROR                   An error occurred
WM_FLASHWINDOW             Starts/stops window flashing
WM_FOCUSCHANGE             Indicates that the focus window is changing
WM_FORMATFRAME             Requests that frame controls be formatted
WM_HELP                    Indicates a help message
WM_HITTEST                 Queries for a pointer-related message
WM_HSCROLL                 Indicates a horizontal-scroll-bar event
WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD        Scrolls the clipboard horizontally
WM_INITDLG                 Initializes a dialog
WM_INITMENU                Indicates a menu initialization
WM_JOURNALNOTIFY           Indicates a journal notification
WM_MATCHMNEMONIC           Matches a mnemonic character
WM_MEASUREITEM             Calculates the heights of items
WM_MENUEND                 Indicates that a menu is terminating
WM_MENUSELECT              Indicates that a menu is selected
WM_MINMAXFRAME             Window is to be minimized, maximized, restored
WM_MOUSEMOVE               Indicates mouse movement
WM_MOVE                    Indicates that a window changed position
WM_NEXTMENU                Obtains the next or previous menu
WM_NULL                    Indicates a null message
WM_OTHERWINDOWDESTROYED    Indicates a registered window is being destroyed
WM_PAINT                   Indicates that a window needs repainting
WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD          Indicates that the clipboard needs repainting
WM_PRESPARAMCHANGED        Indicates that a presentation parameter changed
WM_QUERYACCELTABLE         Requests an accelerator-table handle
WM_QUERYBORDERSIZE         Retrieves the border size of a window
WM_QUERYCONVERTPOS         Retrieves a conversion code
WM_QUERYDLGCODE            Queries the capabilities of a control window
WM_QUERYFOCUSCHAIN         Queries the focus chain
WM_QUERYFRAMECTLCOUNT      Queries the maximum number of frame controls
WM_QUERYFRAMEINFO          Retrieves information about a frame window
WM_QUERYHELPINFO           Requests a handle for help instance
WM_QUERYICON               Retrieves the handle to an icon
WM_QUERYTRACKINFO          Indicates a start of track movement
WM_QUERYWINDOWPARAMS       Retrieves the parameters of a window
WM_QUIT                    Indicates that an application is terminating
WM_RENDERALLFMTS           Renders all formats in the clipboard
WM_RENDERFMT               Renders a format in the clipboard
WM_SAVEAPPLICATION         Tells an application to save
WM_SEM1                    Indicates a message between threads
WM_SEM2                    Indicates a message between threads
WM_SEM3                    Indicates a message between threads
WM_SEM4                    Indicates a message between threads
WM_SETACCELTABLE           Sets the handle for the accelerator table
WM_SETBORDERSIZE           Changes a size control
WM_SETFOCUS                Indicates a change of focus
WM_SETHELPINFO             Sets the handle for help instance
WM_SETICON                 Sets a minimized icon
WM_SETSELECTION            Indicates whether a window is selected/deselected
WM_SETWINDOWPARAMS         Indicates a change in a window's parameters
WM_SHOW                    Indicates a window's visible region has changed
WM_SIZE                    Indicates a change in a window's size
WM_SIZECLIPBOARD           Indicates a size change of the clipboard window
WM_SUBSTITUTESTRING        Indicates a string-substitution request
WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE          Indicates that the system colors have changed
WM_SYSCOMMAND              Indicates a system message
WM_SYSVALUECHANGED         Indicates that a system value has changed
WM_TIMER                   Indicates that a timer interval has expired
WM_TRACKFRAME              Indicates that a tracking operation is beginning
WM_TRANSLATEACCEL          Translates an accelerator key
WM_UPDATEFRAME             Updates a frame window
WM_VIOCHAR                 Indicates that a user pressed a key
WM_VSCROLL                 Indicates a vertical scroll event
WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD        Scrolls the clipboard vertically
WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED        Indicates that a window size has changed