msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
Multiple-line-entry-field messages (1.2)
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MLM_CHARFROMLINE           Returns the offset to a line
MLM_CLEAR                  Clears selected text in an MLE
MLM_COPY                   Copies selected text from an MLE to the clipboard
MLM_CUT                    Cuts selected text from an MLE to the clipboard
MLM_DELETE                 Deletes text from an MLE
MLM_DISABLEREFRESH         Disables refresh for an MLE
MLM_ENABLEREFRESH          Enables screen refresh for an MLE
MLM_EXPORT                 Exports text from an MLE
MLM_FORMAT                 Sets format for MLE import/export
MLM_IMPORT                 Imports text into an MLE
MLM_INSERT                 Inserts text into an MLE
MLM_LINEFROMCHAR           Determines the line number of an MLE character
MLM_PASTE                  Copies the clipboard contents to an MLE
MLM_QUERYBACKCOLOR         Retrieves the background color of an MLE
MLM_QUERYCHANGED           Determines if text in an MLE has changed
MLM_QUERYFIRSTCHAR         Retrieves offset of first visible character
MLM_QUERYFONT              Retrieves current MLE font information
MLM_QUERYFORMATLINELENGTH  Retrieves formatted MLE line length
MLM_QUERYFORMATRECT        Retrieves MLE dimensions and mode
MLM_QUERYFORMATTEXTLENGTH  Retrieves length of formatted MLE text
MLM_QUERYIMPORTEXPORT      Retrieves values for the import/export buffer
MLM_QUERYLINECOUNT         Retrieves the number of lines in an MLE
MLM_QUERYLINELENGTH        Retrieves the length of an MLE line
MLM_QUERYREADONLY          Determines MLE read-only mode
MLM_QUERYSEL               Retrieves the selection position in an MLE
MLM_QUERYSELTEXT           Retrieves selected text from an MLE
MLM_QUERYTABSTOP           Retrieves MLE tab-stop interval
MLM_QUERYTEXTCOLOR         Retrieves MLE text-color information
MLM_QUERYTEXTLENGTH        Retrieves the length of MLE text
MLM_QUERYTEXTLIMIT         Retrieves text limit of an MLE
MLM_QUERYUNDO              Determines if MLE can undo an operation
MLM_QUERYWRAP              Retrieves the state of word-wrap in an MLE
MLM_RESETUNDO              Resets (clears) the MLE undo flag
MLM_SEARCH                 Searches an MLE
MLM_SETBACKCOLOR           Sets background color of an MLE
MLM_SETCHANGED             Sets MLE changed flag
MLM_SETFIRSTCHAR           Sets the first visible character
MLM_SETFONT                Sets MLE font information
MLM_SETFORMATRECT          Sets MLE format rectangle and mode
MLM_SETIMPORTEXPORT        Sets the MLE import/export buffer
MLM_SETREADONLY            Sets/clears the MLE read-only state
MLM_SETSEL                 Selects text within an MLE
MLM_SETTABSTOP             Sets MLE tab-stop interval
MLM_SETTEXTCOLOR           Sets text color of an MLE
MLM_SETTEXTLIMIT           Sets maximum characters for an MLE
MLM_SETWRAP                Sets/resets MLE word-wrap
MLM_UNDO                   Undoes an MLE operation