msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Entry-field styles (1.2)
Control Classes                                     Up Next Previous
Style          Description
ES_ANY         Allows the entry-field text to contain a mixture of
               double-byte and single-byte characters.
ES_AUTOSCROLL  Horizontally scrolls text automatically to show the insertion
ES_AUTOTAB     Automatically moves the cursor to the next control when the
               user enters the maximum number of characters.
ES_CENTER      Centers text in the entry field.
ES_DBCS        Specifies that the entry-field text is double-byte characters
ES_LEFT        Left-aligns text in the entry field.
ES_MARGIN      Draws a border around the entry-field control. The border is
               one-half character wide and one-fourth character high.
               Without this style, the control is drawn without a border.
               The entry-field rectangle is outset on all sides by this
               margin. After an ES_MARGIN entry field is created, the
               WinQueryWindowRect function returns a larger rectangle that
               includes this margin, and whose origin is therefore different
               from the one specified when the rectangle was created. Your
               application must adjust for this size difference when the
               user moves or sizes the entry-field control or else the
               control will become larger after each moving or sizing
ES_MIXED       Allows the entry-field text to contain a mixture of
               single-byte and double-byte characters. Unlike the ES_ANY
               style, this style allows ASCII DBCS data to be converted to
               EBCDIC DBCS data without causing an overflow condition.
ES_READONLY    Prevents the user from entering or editing text in the entry
ES_RIGHT       Right-aligns text in the entry field.
ES_SBCS        Specifies that the entry-field text is single-byte characters
ES_UNREADABLE  Displays each character in the entry field as an asterisk.