msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Menu-Item Attributes (1.2)
Menu Styles                                         Up Next Previous
Attribute      Description
MIA_CHECKED    Places a check mark to the left of the menu item.
MIA_DISABLED   Disables the menu item. The item is drawn halftone and cannot
               be selected by the user. An application should disable a menu
               item when choosing it would be inappropriate──for example, a
               Save-menu item should be disabled when no changes have
               occurred since the last save operation.
MIA_FRAMED     Places a frame around the menu item. With this attribute set,
               an item in a menu bar is framed by vertical lines to its left
               and right; an item in a drop-down menu is framed by
               horizontal lines above and below it.
MIA_HILITED    Highlights the menu item by inverting the colors of the item
               name and background when the menu item is currently selected.
               The application rarely sets this attribute directly, relying
               instead on the default processing of user input to set the
               highlighted state of an item.
MIA_NODISMISS  Causes a submenu or menu item to remain displayed after the
               user chooses an item.
Menu-item attributes specify the display aspects of a menu item, such as its
highlighted state and checked state. Attributes are set when the item is
created and typically change frequently as the application runs and the user
interacts with the menus.