◄Control Classes► ◄Up► ◄Next► ◄Previous► ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Style Meaning ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── MLS_BORDER Draws a border around the MLE. MLS_HSCROLL Adds a horizontal scroll bar to the MLE. The scroll bar is enabled when any line exceeds the width of the MLE. MLS_IGNORETAB Directs the MLE to ignore the TAB key. MLS_READONLY Prevents the MLE from accepting text from the user. This style is useful for displaying lengthy static text in windows or dialog boxes. MLS_VSCROLL Adds a vertical scroll bar to the MLE. The scroll bar is enabled when the number of lines exceeds the height of the MLE. MLS_WORDWRAP Prevents lines that are longer than the width of the MLE. The MLE automatically breaks the line at a convenient place. ♦