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typedef struct _FILESTATUS2 {    /* fsts2 */
    FDATE   fdateCreation;
    FTIME   ftimeCreation;
    FDATE   fdateLastAccess;
    FTIME   ftimeLastAccess;
    FDATE   fdateLastWrite;
    FTIME   ftimeLastWrite;
    ULONG   cbFile;
    ULONG   cbFileAlloc;
    USHORT  attrFile;
    ULONG   cbList;
The FILESTATUS2 structure contains information about the status of a file.
Field            Description
fdateCreation    Specifies the date the file was created.
ftimeCreation    Specifies the time the file was created.
fdateLastAccess  Specifies the date the file was last accessed.
ftimeLastAccess  Specifies the time the file was last accessed.
fdateLastWrite   Specifies the date the file was last written to.
ftimeLastWrite   Specifies the time the file was last written to.
cbFile           Specifies the end of file data.
cbFileAlloc      Specifies the allocated file size.
attrFile         Specifies the file attributes.
cbList           Specifies the size of the extended-attribute buffer.
The cbFile, cbFileAlloc, and attrFile fields are not used by the
DosSetFileInfo function.
See Also
DosQFileInfo, DosQPathInfo, DosSetFileInfo, FILESTATUS