msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
HCINFO (1.2)
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#define INCL_DEV
typedef struct _HCINFO {    /* hci */
    CHAR   szFormname[32];
    LONG   cx;
    LONG   cy;
    LONG   xLeftClip;
    LONG   yBottomClip;
    LONG   xRightClip;
    LONG   yTopClip;
    LONG   xPels;
    LONG   yPels;
    LONG   flAttributes;
The HCINFO structure contains information about the hard-copy capabilities
of a device.
Field           Description
szFormname[32]  Specifies the form name.
cx              Specifies the form width (in millimeters).
cy              Specifies the form height (top to bottom, in millimeters).
xLeftClip       Specifies the left clip limit (in millimeters).
yBottomClip     Specifies the bottom clip limit (in millimeters).
xRightClip      Specifies the right clip limit (in millimeters).
yTopClip        Specifies the top clip limit (in millimeters).
xPels           Specifies the number of pels between the left and right clip
yPels           Specifies the number of pels between the top and bottom clip
flAttributes    Specifies whether the given form is the selected form. This
                field is HCAPS_CURRENT if the form is selected. Otherwise,
                it is zero.
See Also