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typedef struct _IMAGEBUNDLE {    /* ibmd */
    LONG   lColor;
    LONG   lBackColor;
    USHORT usMixMode;
    USHORT usBackMixMode;
The IMAGEBUNDLE structure contains the current image colors and mix modes in
the application's presentation space. MS OS/2 uses these fields when an
application draws an image using the GpiImage function. The system combines
the image foreground and background colors with the current drawing-surface
colors by using the foreground- and background-image mix modes.
Field          Description
lColor         Specifies the foreground-image color.
lBackColor     Specifies the background-image color.
usMixMode      Specifies the foreground mix mode.
usBackMixMode  Specifies the background mix mode.
See Also
GpiImage, GpiQueryAttrs, GpiSetAttrs