msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Standard bitmaps (1.2)
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Bitmap              Description
SBMP_BTNCORNERS     Push button corners.
SBMP_CHECKBOXES     Check box/radio button check mark.
SBMP_CHILDSYSMENU   Smaller version of the system menu bitmap to use in
                    child windows.
SBMP_COMBODOWN      Combination-box down arrow.
SBMP_DRIVE          A symbol used by the file system to indicate a disk
SBMP_FILE           A symbol used by the file system to indicate a file.
SBMP_FOLDER         A symbol used by the file system to show
SBMP_MAXBUTTON      Maximize button.
SBMP_MENUATTACHED   A symbol used to indicate that a menu item has an
                    attached hierarchical menu.
SBMP_MENUCHECK      Menu check mark.
SBMP_MINBUTTON      Minimize button.
SBMP_PROGRAM        A symbol used by the file system to indicate that a file
                    is an executable program.
SBMP_SBDNARROW      Scroll-bar down arrow.
SBMP_SBDNARROWDEP   Scroll-bar down arrow is pressed.
SBMP_SBDNARROWDIS   Scroll-bar down arrow is disabled.
SBMP_SBLFARROW      Scroll-bar left arrow.
SBMP_SBLFARROWDEP   Scroll-bar left arrow is pressed.
SBMP_SBLFARROWDIS   Scroll-bar right arrow is disabled.
SBMP_SBRGARROW      Scroll-bar right arrow.
SBMP_SBRGARROWDEP   Scroll-bar right arrow is pressed.
SBMP_SBRGARROWDIS   Scroll-bar right arrow is disabled.
SBMP_SBUPARROW      Scroll-bar up arrow.
SBMP_SBUPARROWDEP   Scroll-bar up arrow is pressed.
SBMP_SBUPARROWDIS   Scroll-bar up arrow is disabled.
SBMP_SIZEBOX        A symbol used to indicate an area of a window that a
                    user can click to resize the window.
SBMP_SYSMENU        System menu.
SBMP_TREEMINUS      A symbol used by the file system to show that an entry
                    in the directory tree contains no more files.
SBMP_TREEPLUS       A symbol used by the file system to show that an entry
                    in the directory tree contains more files.