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typedef struct _MLE_SEARCHDATA {    /* mlesrch */
    USHORT cb;
    PCHAR  pchFind;
    PCHAR  pchReplace;
    SHORT  cchFind;
    SHORT  cchReplace;
    IPT    iptStart;
    IPT    iptStop;
    USHORT cchFound;
The MLE_SEARCHDATA structure contains information required to perform a
search of a multiple-line entry field (MLE) using the MLM_SEARCH message.
Field       Description
cb          Specifies the size of the structure (in bytes). The size depends
            on the operating-system version. Programs written in the C
            language should use the sizeof operator to set this field.
pchFind     Points to the null-terminated string to find.
pchReplace  Points to the null-terminated replacement string.
cchFind     Specifies the number of characters to delete in the search
            string before inserting the replacement string. This field is
            used only if the MLFSEARCH_CHANGEALL flag is specified in the
            MLM_SEARCH message.
cchReplace  Specifies the number of replacement-string characters to insert
            in the MLE text. This field is used only if the
            MLFSEARCH_CHANGEALL flag is specified in the MLM_SEARCH
iptStart    Specifies the offset (number of characters from the beginning of
            the text) of the first character to search. A value of -1 causes
            the search to start at the current cursor position.
iptStop     Specifies the offset of the last character to search. A negative
            value causes the search to end at the end of the text.
cchFound    Specifies the length (in characters) of the string found.
If the iptStop field is less than the iptStart field, the search wraps to
the beginning of the text. If the two fields are identical, all the text in
the MLE is searched.
See Also