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typedef struct _FIOREADWRITE {    /* frwc */
    USHORT usCmd;
    PVOID  pbBuffer;
    USHORT cbBufferLen;
    USHORT cbActualLen;
The FIOREADWRITE structure contains information used by the DosFileIO
function for reading and writing data.
Field        Description
usCmd        Specifies the command to pass to the DosFileIO function. This
             field should be set to FIO_READ for a read operation or to
             FIO_WRITE for a write operation.
pbBuffer     Points to the buffer that contains the data to be written, or
             points to a buffer that receives the data that is read.
cbBufferLen  Specifies the length of the buffer (in bytes).
cbActualLen  Specifies the number of bytes actually transferred.
See Also