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typedef struct _MLEFORMATRECT {    /* mlefrd */
    LONG cxFormat;
    LONG cyFormat;
The MLEFORMATRECT structure contains width and height information for the
multiple-line entry-field (MLE) format rectangle.
Field     Description
cxFormat  Specifies the width (in pels) of the MLE format rectangle. If this
          field is -1, the current MLE-window width (minus any border or
          scroll bars) is used. If this field is 0, there is no limit on the
          MLE width.
cyFormat  Specifies the height (in pels) of the format rectangle. If this
          field is -1, the current MLE-window height (minus any border or
          scroll bars) is used. If this field is 0, there is no limit on the
          MLE height.
See Also