msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
New structures for MS OS/2 version 1.2
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AVAILDATA             Contains information about bytes in a named pipe
DENA1                 Specifies the names of enumerated extended attributes
EAOP                  Contains extended-attribute information
ENTRYFDATA            Contains entry-field control data
FEA                   Specifies the values of extended attributes
FEALIST               Specifies extended attributes
FILEFINDBUF2          Contains file information
FILESTATUS2           Contains file-status information
FIOLOCKCMD            Contains file-lock information for DosFileIO
FIOLOCKREC            Specifies a lock region
FIOREADWRITE          Contains DosFileIO I/O command information
FIOSEEKCMD            Contains DosFileIO seek information
FIOUNLOCKCMD          Contains file-unlock information for DosFileIO
FIOUNLOCKREC          Specifies an unlock region
FSQBUFFER             Contains file-system attribute information
GEA                   Contains general extended-attribute information
GEALIST               Contains a list of general extended attributes
HELPINIT              Contains help-instance initialization information
HELPTABLE             Identifies an application's help table
KBDHWID               Specifies the keyboard hardware ID
LDTADDRINFO           Contains LDT address information
MLE_SEARCHDATA        Contains MLE search information
MLECTLDATA            Contains MLE control information
MLEFORMATRECT         Specifies width and height of an MLE format rectangle
MLEMARGSTRUCT         Contains MLE margin information
MLEOVERFLOW           Contains MLE overflow information
PARAM                 Specifies a presentation parameter
PIPESEMSTATE          Contains named-pipe status information
PRESPARAMS            Contains an array of presentation parameters
PRFPROFILE            Contains profile information
PROGDETAILS           Contains program-group information
PROGTITLE             Specifies program-title information
PTRDRAWDATA           Contains mouse-pointer data for drawing
SWBLOCK               Contains a list of switch entries
VIOCOLORREG           Contains the color-register addresses
VIOFONTCELLSIZE       Specifies the size of a font cell
VIOSETTARGET          Identifies the target of the next VioSetMode call
VIOSETULINELOC        Specifies the location of the underline
VIOSIZECOUNT          Specifies the size of the VIOFONTCELLSIZE structure