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typedef struct _SHIFTSTATE {    /* shftst */
    USHORT fsState;
    BYTE   fNLS;
The SHIFTSTATE structure contains information about the shift state of the
default keyboard of the current screen group.
Field    Description
fsState  Specifies the state of the shift keys. It can be any combination of
         the following values:
         Value          Meaning
         RIGHTSHIFT     Right SHIFT key down.
         LEFTSHIFT      Left SHIFT key down.
         CONTROL        Either CTRL key down.
         ALT            Either ALT key down.
         SCROLLLOCK_ON  SCROLL LOCK mode turned on.
         NUMLOCK_ON     NUMLOCK mode turned on.
         CAPSLOCK_ON    CAPSLOCK mode turned on.
         INSERT_ON      INSERT mode turned on.
         LEFTCONTROL    Left CTRL key down.
         LEFTALT        Left ALT key down.
         RIGHTCONTROL   Right CTRL key down.
         RIGHTALT       Right ALT key down.
         SCROLLLOCK     SCROLL LOCK key down.
         NUMLOCK        NUMLOCK key down.
         CAPSLOCK       CAPSLOCK key down.
         SYSREQ         SYSREQ key down.
fNLS     Specifies the state of the national-language-support keys. This is
         zero for the United States.
See Also