msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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typedef struct _TRACKLAYOUT {    /* trckl */
    BYTE   bCommand;
    USHORT usHead;
    USHORT usCylinder;
    USHORT usFirstSector;
    USHORT cSectors;
    struct {
        USHORT usSectorNumber;
        USHORT usSectorSize;
    } TrackTable[1];
The TRACKLAYOUT structure contains track-layout information.
Field          Description
bCommand       Specifies the type of track layout. If this field is 0x0000,
               the track layout contains nonconsecutive sectors or does not
               start with sector 1. If it is 0x0001, the track layout starts
               with sector 1, and contains only consecutive sectors.
usHead         Specifies the physical head on the disk drive on which to
               perform the operation.
usCylinder     Specifies the cylinder number on which to perform the
usFirstSector  Specifies the logical sector number at which to start the
               operation. The logical sector number is the index in the
               track-layout table to the first sector. Index 0 specifies the
               first sector, index 1 the second, and so on.
cSectors       Specifies the number of sectors on which to perform the
               operation, up to the maximum specified in the track-layout
               table. The function does not step heads and tracks.
TrackTable[1]  Specifies the track-layout table. It is an array of
               structures that contain the numbers and sizes of the sectors
               in the track. The first element in this field defines the
               sector number and size (in bytes) of the first sector on the
               track, the second element defines the second sector, and so
               on. For each element of TrackTable, the usSectorNumber field
               specifies the sector number, and the usSectorSize field
               specifies the size of the sector. The number of elements
               depends on the number of sectors on the track.
See Also