oem.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
                              DRVSPACE /CREATE
Creates a new compressed drive by using free space on an uncompressed drive.
The new compressed drive will provide more storage capacity than the amount
of space it uses.
    DRVSPACE /CREATE drive1: [/NEWDRIVE=drive2:] [/SIZE=size |
    Specifies the uncompressed drive that contains the space you want to use
    to create the new drive.
    Creates a new compressed drive by using free space on the uncompressed
    drive specified by drive1. This switch can be abbreviated to /CR.
    Specifies the drive letter for the new compressed drive. The /NEWDRIVE
    switch is optional; if you omit it, DriveSpace assigns the next
    available drive letter to the new drive. This switch can be abbreviated
    to /N.
    Specifies how many megabytes of free space DriveSpace should leave on
    the uncompressed drive. To make the compressed drive as large as
    possible, specify a size of 0.
    You can include either the /RESERVE switch or the /SIZE switch, but not
    both. If you omit both switches, DriveSpace reserves 2 MB of free space.
    The /RESERVE switch can be abbreviated as /RE.
    Specifies the total size, in megabytes, of the compressed volume file.
    (This is the amount of space on the uncompressed drive that you want to
    allocate to the compressed drive.) You can include either the /RESERVE
    switch or the /SIZE switch, but not both. The /SIZE switch can be
    abbreviated as /SI.