oem.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Example  Syntax
Installing character sets
The character set you specify for yyy must be installed on your system. If
it isn't, any characters not in the current character set will not be
For information about installing a character set, see the chapter
"Customizing for International Use" in the MS-DOS User's Guide.
Displaying the current keyboard layout and character set
If you use the KEYB command with no parameters or switches, MS-DOS lists the
current keyboard layout (keyboard code), the current keyboard's related
character set (code page), and the current character set (code page) used by
your keyboard and monitor. The information is displayed in the following
    Current keyboard code: FR code page: 437
    Current CON code page: 437
Switching between Keyb settings
To switch from the current Keyb keyboard configuration to the default
keyboard configuration, press CTRL+ALT+F1. To return to the memory-resident
keyboard configuration, press CTRL+ALT+F2. To switch to "typewriter mode,"
the standard for some countries, press CTRL+ALT+F7.
Implementing Keyb
The following list shows the three different ways that you can start the
Keyb program:
♦  Type KEYB at the command prompt.
♦  Include an INSTALL command for KEYB.COM in your CONFIG.SYS file.
♦  Include the appropriate KEYB command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
Keyb exit codes
The following list shows each exit code and gives a brief description of its
0    Keyboard definition file was loaded successfully.
1    Invalid keyboard code, character set, or syntax was used.
2    Keyboard definition file is bad or missing.
4    An error occurred while communicating with the keyboard or monitor.
5    The requested character set has not been prepared.
You can use the ERRORLEVEL parameter on the IF command line in a batch
program to process exit codes returned by Keyb. For an example of a batch
program that processes exit codes, see the <CHOICE> command.