oem.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Syntax  Notes
To create a SMARTDrive disk cache and use the default cache size, add the
following command to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
Example: A typical SMARTDrive command
Suppose you want to create a disk cache with a cache size of 2048K, and
ensure that Windows will not reduce the size of the cache to less than
1024K. To do this and to specify that the SMARTDRV.EXE file is located in
the DOS directory on drive C, add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT
    c:\dos\smartdrv 2048 1024
Example: Enabling and disabling caching on specific drives
Suppose that SMARTDrive is already running and you want to enable write
caching on drive C. To do this, type the following at the command prompt:
    smartdrv c+
Suppose you want to configure SMARTDrive to disable all caching of your
floppy-disk drives and enable write caching on Interlnk drive D. (Interlnk
drives, like floppy-disk drives, are not write-cached by default because
it's possible to lose access to the drive before all information has been
written from the cache). To do this, you would add the following command to
    c:\dos\smartdrv a- b- d+
Example: Saving cached information on the hard disk
Before pressing your computer's reset button or turning off your computer,
it is a good idea to have SMARTDrive write all cached information from
memory to any cached disks. To do this, type the following at the command
    smartdrv /c
You will not need to use this command before restarting your computer by
pressing the CTRL+ALT+DELETE keys: SMARTDrive detects the CTRL+ALT+DELETE
key sequence and automatically writes all information to cached disks before
allowing the system to restart.