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About Interprocess Communication (1.2)
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                      About Interprocess Communication
This topic describes system and RAM semaphores, signals, pipes, and queues.
Semaphores let programs signal the completion of certain tasks and control
access to resources that more than one thread or process may need to use.
Signals let a user or a process control the execution of another process.
Pipes let two or more related or unrelated processes to communicate as if
they were reading from and writing to a file. Queues let one or more
processes channel data to a specific process. You should also be familiar
with the following topics:
    File systems
    Memory manager
The following sections describe the methods used for passing information
between processes. This exchange of data is particularly important in a
multitasking system.
A semaphore is a special variable that a program can use to signal the
beginning and ending of a given operation. Semaphores are typically used in
conjunction with a limited resource to prevent more than one process or one
thread within a process from accessing the resource at the same time. A
process can create and use three types of semaphores: system, RAM, and
fast-safe RAM.
System Semaphores
System semaphores are used between processes to control access to a shared
resource. Any process can create a system semaphore by using the
DosCreateSem function. Once the semaphore is created, any other process can
use it as long as it knows the semaphore name.
A system semaphore has a unique name that the process creating the semaphore
must supply. The semaphore name has the following form:
The name parameter must conform to the rules for MS OS/2 filenames, but no
actual file is created for the semaphore.
MS OS/2 supplies a semaphore handle when a system semaphore is created. The
process can use this handle in subsequent semaphore functions to set, clear,
and wait for the semaphore.
If any other process wants to use the system semaphore, it can open the
semaphore by using the DosOpenSem function and supplying the specified
semaphore name. When a process is finished using a system semaphore, it
should close the semaphore by using the DosCloseSem function.
To use a semaphore, the process sets the semaphore by using the DosSemSet
function when it wants to access the shared resource and clears the
semaphore by using the DosSemClear function when it is finished with the
shared resource. If the semaphore is an exclusive semaphore (as specified
when created), only the process that created the semaphore can set or clear
Once a semaphore is set, the process can wait for that semaphore to become
clear, or for a specified time interval to elapse, by using the DosSemWait
function. Ideally, one process or thread waits for the semaphore while
another process or thread carries out a task and then clears the semaphore.
A process or thread can also wait for a given semaphore to become clear by
using the DosSemSetWait, DosSemRequest, or DosMuxSemWait function.
RAM Semaphores
RAM semaphores are used by the threads in a given process. A RAM semaphore
is an unsigned long variable defined as a global variable for the process.
To use a RAM semaphore, a process simply passes to the semaphore functions a
pointer to the unsigned long variable. The process does not need to create
or open the semaphore, as it does a system semaphore. However, before the
process uses a RAM semaphore for the first time, it must initialize the
semaphore to zero.
As with a system semaphore, a process sets and clears a RAM semaphore and
can wait for that semaphore to become clear before continuing.
Since a RAM semaphore is nothing more than a global variable, you must be
especially careful to prevent its value from being changed in any way other
than by using the semaphore functions. Changing the value of a RAM semaphore
while it is in use can invalidate the semaphore's status.
Fast-Safe RAM Semaphores
Fast-safe RAM semaphores combine the reliability of a system semaphore with
the performance of a RAM semaphore. These semaphores can be used between
processes or between threads in a process.
Like a RAM semaphore, a fast-safe RAM semaphore is a variable in memory. If
a fast-safe RAM semaphore is used only by the threads in a given process, it
can be declared as a global variable. If it is used by more than one
process, it must be allocated as a shared segment so that each process has
access to it.
Each fast-safe RAM semaphore has a corresponding DOSFSRSEM structure that
contains information about the process and thread that have set the
semaphore, as well as a count of the number of times the semaphore has been
set and a RAM semaphore.
A signal is special input from the user or from another process that causes
a process to temporarily suspend execution while a signal-handler function
is executed. A signal handler is simply a function that receives control
when the signal occurs. A process receives a signal whenever the user
presses the CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK key while the process is running. A process
also receives a signal when another process uses the DosSendSignal,
DosFlagProcess, or DosKillProcess function.
When the user presses CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK in a full-screen session or when
a full-screen program is in the active window of the Presentation Manager
session, either the current foreground process or the last process to use
the DosSetSigHandler function receives the signal. When a process calls the
DosSendSignal, DosFlagProcess, or DosKillProcess function, the process
specified by these functions receives the signal.
When a process receives a signal, MS OS/2 suspends execution of the main
thread (thread 1) of the process and passes control to the process's signal
handler. If a process has not explicitly set a signal handler by using the
DosSetSigHandler function, a default signal handler is used. The default
signal handlers for the CTRL+C, CTRL+BREAK, and DosKillProcess signals
terminate the process. The default signal handlers for the flag signals
ignore the signal.
A process can replace the default signal handler for any signal by using the
DosSetSigHandler function. Although a signal handler has a specific form, it
can carry out any action, such as cleaning up and saving files before
terminating the process. When the handler has completed its activities, it
can either terminate the program or return control to the point at which the
process was suspended.
The MS OS/2 pipe function, DosMakePipe, lets a program create a pipe that
can be used to transfer information between related processes. A pipe is a
special internal file that a process can write to and read from. The
DosMakePipe function creates the pipe and supplies two file handles to the
pipe: one for writing to the pipe, the other for reading from the pipe. A
process can write to the pipe by using the DosWrite function and read from
the pipe by using the DosRead function.
A pipe is typically used to direct the output of one process to the standard
input of another process. To do this, a process opens a pipe, duplicates the
pipe read handle as the standard-input file for a child process, and then
starts the child process. The parent process can then write to the pipe and
the child process can read what the parent process has written.
A pipe continues until both handles are closed. There can be no more than
65,535 bytes of unread data in a pipe at any given time. The DosWrite
function may wait for data to be read from the pipe before completing its
operation. If the read handle is closed before the write handle is closed,
writing to the pipe generates an error.
Named Pipes
A named pipe allows communication between unrelated processes. Unlike the
case with pipes created by using DosMakePipe, any process that knows its
name can open and use a named pipe. To use a named pipe, one process, called
the server process, creates the pipe, and another process, called the client
process, opens the pipe. The server process can then connect the pipe and
the server and the client can pass data back and forth by reading from and
writing to the pipe.
The server process creates a named pipe by using the DosMakeNmPipe function.
The function returns a pipe handle that can be used with subsequent pipe
operations. A named pipe can be local or remote. A local named pipe can be
used between any two processes on the same computer. A remote named pipe can
be used between any two processes connected to the same local area network
Each named pipe must have a unique name that distinguishes it from other
named pipes. A local-pipe name has the following form:
A remote-pipe name has the following form:
The name parameter must conform to the rules for MS OS/2 filenames, but no
actual file is created for the pipe.
When a server process creates a pipe, the process specifies the direction of
data through the pipe. The server uses an in-bound pipe if it intends to
read data from the client process, an out-bound pipe if it intends to write
data to the client, or a duplex pipe if it intends to both read from and
write to the client.
Data passes through a pipe as either bytes or messages, depending on the
type of the pipe. The server process also specifies the pipe type when it
creates a named pipe. If a pipe has byte type, the server and client process
read and write bytes. If a pipe has message type, the processes read and
write messages. A message is a block of data with a system-supplied header
that is read or written as a single unit. The size and format of a message
are defined by the server and client processes.
The server process also specifies how many instances of the named pipe can
be open. Although only one client process can be connected to the pipe at
any time, several processes (up to the number of instances specified) can
open the pipe at the same time. The instance count is useful if a process
needs to restrict access to the named pipe. A process can also specify
unlimited instances.
When the server process creates a pipe, the server can also specify whether
the named pipe will be inherited by child processes and whether the process
writes data to a remote pipe immediately or waits to write the data when an
internal buffer is full.
Working with Named Pipes
The server process establishes a connection to a client process by using the
DosConnectNmPipe function. The client process must open the pipe by using
the DosOpen function before the connection can be completed. If no client
process has opened the pipe when the server process calls DosConnectNmPipe,
the function either waits until a client opens the pipe or returns the error
ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED immediately. The action taken depends on whether
the server process created the pipe to wait for data.
If a client process receives ERROR_PIPE_BUSY from calling DosOpen, no
instances of the given pipe are available. A process can wait for one to
become available by using the DosWaitNmPipe function. The function waits
until an instance is free or until the specified interval of time elapses.
When an instance becomes free, the process can open the pipe by using the
DosOpen function again. If several processes are waiting for an instance to
become available, the system attempts to give the named pipe to the process
that has been waiting the longest.
The server process can disconnect a client from a pipe by using the
DosDisConnectNmPipe function. Ideally, the client process closes the pipe by
using the DosClose function before the server process disconnects the pipe.
However, if the client process does not close the pipe, DosDisConnectNmPipe
disconnects anyway and the client process receives errors if it attempts to
access the closed pipe. Note that forcing the closure of the client's pipe
may discard data in the pipe before the client reads the data.
To synchronize data through a pipe, the server process can set the pipe so
that read and write operations wait if no data is available or if there is
no room in the pipe. Waiting permits one process to add or remove bytes to
let the other process continue. The server can also set the pipe so that
reading and writing do not wait. Waiting also affects whether
DosConnectNmPipe waits for a client process to open the pipe.
A process can read and write bytes to a named pipe by using the DosRead and
DosWrite functions or by using the DosTransactNmPipe function. Depending on
access mode, the function writes a message to the pipe, reads a message from
the pipe, or both. If a named pipe contains any unread data or if the named
pipe is not in message mode, the DosTransactNmPipe function fails. If
reading from the pipe, DosTransactNmPipe does not return until a complete
message is read. This is true even if the server set the pipe so that it
does not wait when reading.
A process can read data from a named pipe without also removing the data
from the pipe by using the DosPeekNmPipe function. The function copies the
specified number of bytes from the pipe, supplies a count of the number of
bytes of data left in the pipe, and supplies a count of the number of bytes
left in the current message, if any.
DosPeekNmPipe also specifies the state of the pipe: connected, disconnected,
listening, or closing. A pipe is connected when a client process has opened
the pipe and the server has called DosConnectNmPipe. Only connected pipes
permit processes to read from and write to them. A pipe is disconnected when
the server process calls DosDisConnectNmPipe. A pipe is also disconnected
when it is first created. A pipe is listening when the server has called
DosConnectNmPipe but a client process has not yet opened the pipe. A pipe is
closing when the client process has closed the pipe by using DosClose but
the server process has not yet disconnected the pipe. The DosPeekNmPipe
function never waits, regardless of whether the pipe was set to wait.
A process can open, read from, write to, and close a named pipe by using the
DosCallNmPipe function. The function is equivalent to calling the DosOpen,
DosTransactNmPipe, and DosClose functions. If no instances of the pipe are
available, DosCallNmPipe waits for an instance or returns without opening
the pipe if the specified interval of time elapses.
A process can retrieve information about the state of the named pipe by
using the DosQNmPHandState function. The state is a combination of the
instance count, the access mode, and the pipe type specified when the pipe
was created. DosQNmPHandState also specifies whether the process owning the
handle is a server or client and whether the pipe waits if reading and
writing cannot proceed.
A process can modify the state of a named pipe by using the
DosSetNmPHandState function. For example, it can change the reading mode for
the pipe, allowing a process to read bytes from the pipe instead of
A process can retrieve information about a named pipe by using the
DosQNmPipeInfo function. Information about the pipe is returned in a
PIPEINFO structure and includes the name of the pipe, the instance count
(the maximum number of times the pipe can be opened), the size of the input
and output buffers for the pipe, and the client's pipe identifier, as
typedef struct _PIPEINFO {
    USHORT cbOut;
    USHORT cbIn;
    BYTE   cbMaxInst;
    BYTE   cbCurInst;
    BYTE   cbName;
    CHAR   szName[];
Using Semaphores with Named Pipes
A server or client process can use system semaphores in conjunction with a
named pipe to control access to the pipe. System semaphores are useful for
any process that reads from several named pipes. The system clears a
semaphore whenever data is available in the pipe. This means that the
reading process can use the DosSemWait or DosMuxSemWait function to wait for
data to arrive rather than devote a thread to periodically polling the
To use a system semaphore with a pipe, the process associates the semaphore
with the pipe by using the DosSetNmPipeSem function. One or two semaphores
can be associated with a named pipe ── one for the server and one for the
client. If there is already a semaphore associated with one end of the pipe,
the old semaphore is replaced. A process can check the state of the
semaphores by using the DosQNmPipeSemState function. Using system semaphores
to control access to named pipes works only for local pipes.
A queue is a special linked list of data that a process can use to receive
information from other processes. Processes pass information to a queue in
the form of messages. The process that owns the queue can then read the
messages from the queue.
A program creates a queue by using the DosCreateQueue function and
specifying a unique queue name. The queue name has the following form:
The name parameter must conform to the rules for MS OS/2 filenames, but no
actual file is created for the queue.
Once the queue has been created, other processes can open it by using the
DosOpenQueue function and supplying the specified queue name. Processes that
open the queue can write messages to it by using the DosWriteQueue function.
The format of a queue message depends entirely on the process that creates
the queue. The format and content must be understood by the processes
writing messages to the queue.
Only the process that created the queue can read messages from it, by using
the DosReadQueue function. The owner process can also examine messages
without removing them by using the DosPeekQueue function, or remove all
messages from the queue by using the DosPurgeQueue function. The system
automatically supplies the process identifier of the process that adds a
message to the queue, so that the owner process can determine the origin of
the message.
If the queue is empty when a process attempts to read from it, the process
can either wait for an element to become available or continue executing
without reading from the queue. If a process manages one queue, it is
usually a good idea for it to wait for an element. However, if a process
manages several queues, waiting for one queue means that other queues cannot
be read. To avoid this problem, a process can supply a semaphore when it
calls the DosReadQueue or DosPeekQueue function. The process can then
continue executing without reading from the queue, since the DosWriteQueue
function will clear the semaphore when an element is ready. If the process
uses a unique semaphore for each queue, it can use the DosMuxSemWait
function to wait for the first queue to receive an element. The semaphore
can be either a RAM semaphore or a system semaphore. If it is a RAM
semaphore, it must be in shared memory. If it is a system semaphore, any
process that writes to the queue must also open the semaphore by using the
DosOpenSem function.
The order in which the owner process reads messages from the queue depends
on the type of queue. A queue can have first-in/first-out (FIFO),
last-in/first-out (LIFO), or priority ordering. In priority ordering, the
message with the highest priority is read first. Priority values range from
0 (lowest priority) through 15 (highest priority).
The DosReadQueue function reads either a specified element or the element at
the beginning of the queue. (The beginning of the queue is determined by the
queue priority. For example, the beginning of a queue with LIFO priority is
the last element in the queue.) A process can use the DosPeekQueue function
to examine the elements in the queue to determine which one to actually
read. Each call to DosPeekQueue returns the identifier of the next element
in the queue, so the function can be called recursively to move through the
queue. The identifier of the desired element can then be supplied to
DosReadQueue, to read that element from the queue.