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Using Bitmaps (1.2)
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                               Using Bitmaps
You can use bitmap functions to perform the following tasks:
♦  Copy an image from a video display into a bitmap.
♦  Scale bitmapped images.
♦  Create custom fill patterns for area primitives and paths.
♦  Load a bitmap created by Icon Editor.
♦  Draw bitmapped images.
♦  Store bitmaps in a metafile or segment.
Copying an Image from a Video Display to a Bitmap
To copy an image from a video display to a bitmap, you must perform the
following steps:
1  Associate the memory device context with a presentation space.
2  Create a bitmap in a memory device context.
3  Select the bitmap into the memory device context by calling the
   GpiSetBitmap function.
4  Determine the location (in device coordinates) of the image.
5  Call the GpiBitBlt function and copy the image to the bitmap.
The following code fragment demonstrates these steps:
PSZ pszData[4] = { "Display", NULL, NULL, NULL };
HAB hab;
HPS hpsMem, hps;
HDC hdcMem, hdc;
SIZEL sizlPage;
BYTE abBuffer[80];
SHORT sWidth, sHeight;
POINTL aptl[6];
LONG alData[2];
 * Create the memory device context and presentation space so that they
 * are compatible with the screen device context and presentation space.
hdcMem = DevOpenDC(hab, OD_MEMORY, "*", 4L,
    (PDEVOPENDATA) pszData, hdc);
hpsMem = GpiCreatePS(hab, hdcMem, &sizlPage,
/* Determine the device's plane/bitcount format. */
GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats(hpsMem, 2L, alData);
 * Load the BITMAPINFOHEADER and BITMAPINFO structures. The sWidth and
 * sHeight fields specify the width and height of the destination
 * rectangle.
bmp.cbFix = (ULONG) sizeof(bmp);
bmp.cx = sWidth;
bmp.cy = sHeight;
bmp.cPlanes = alData[0];
bmp.cBitCount = alData[1];
pbmi = (PBITMAPINFO) abBuffer;
pbmi->cbFix = bmp.cbFix;
pbmi->cx = bmp.cx;
pbmi->cy = bmp.cy;
pbmi->cPlanes = bmp.cPlanes;
pbmi->cBitCount = bmp.cBitCount;
/* Create a bitmap that is compatible with the display. */
hbm = GpiCreateBitmap(hpsMem, &bmp, FALSE, NULL, pbmi);
/* Associate the bitmap and the memory presentation space. */
GpiSetBitmap(hpsMem, hbm);
/* Copy the screen to the bitmap. */
aptl[0].x = 0;       /* lower-left corner of destination rectangle  */
aptl[0].y = 0;       /* lower-left corner of destination rectangle  */
aptl[1].x = sWidth;  /* upper-right corner of destination rectangle */
aptl[1].y = sHeight; /* upper-right corner of destination rectangle */
aptl[2].x = 0;       /* lower-left corner of source rectangle       */
aptl[2].y = 0;       /* lower-left corner of source rectangle       */
    3L,              /* number of points in aptlPoints              */
Scaling and Drawing a Bitmapped Image
You can scale a bitmap by calling the GpiBitBlt and GpiWCBitBlt functions
and altering the dimensions of the target rectangle. The following code
fragment shows how to shrink the screen copied in the first example to half
its original size and redraw it by calling GpiBitBlt:
/* target-rectangle dimensions (in device coordinates) */
aptl[0].x = 0;
aptl[0].y = 0;
aptl[1].x = sWidth/2;
aptl[1].y = sHeight/2;
/* source-rectangle dimensions (in device coordinates) */
aptl[2].x = 0;
aptl[2].y = 0;
aptl[3].x = sWidth;
aptl[3].y = sHeight;
GpiBitBlt(hps, hpsMem, 4L, aptl, ROP_SRCCOPY, BBO_IGNORE);
Creating a Custom Fill Pattern
You can create a custom fill pattern that MS OS/2 will use to fill area
primitives and paths. To create this pattern, you perform the following
1  Set an array of bits for a bitmap that measures 8 bits by 8 bits
   (remember that MS OS/2 pads the bitmap bits on a ULONG [32-bit]
2  Create a bitmap in a screen presentation space by calling the
   GpiCreateBitmap function, passing it the address of the array of bits
   from Step 1.
3  Assign a local identifier (lcid) to the bitmap by calling the
   GpiSetBitmapId function.
4  Set the attribute of the pattern set in the AREABUNDLE structure by
   calling the GpiSetPattern function.
The following code fragment shows how to create the pattern:
 * Define an array of bytes--this array creates
 * a cross-hatch pattern.
BYTE abPattern5[] = {
    0xFF, 0xFF,
    0x80, 0x00,
    0x80, 0x00,
    0x80, 0x00,
    0x80, 0x00,
    0x80, 0x00,
    0x80, 0x00,
    0x80, 0x00,
    0x80, 0x00,
    0x80, 0x00,
    0x80, 0x00,
    0x80, 0x00,
    0x80, 0x00,
    0x80, 0x00,
    0x80, 0x00,
    0x80, 0x00 };
LONG lcidCustom;
HPS hps;
/* Create the bitmap, passing the address of the array of bytes. */
hbm = GpiCreateBitmap(hps, &bmp, CBM_INIT, (PBYTE) abPattern5,
/* Assign a local identifier to the bitmap. */
GpiSetBitmapId(hps, hbm, lcidCustom);
/* Set the pattern-set attribute in the AREABUNDLE structure. */
GpiSetPatternSet(hps, lcidCustom);
Loading a Bitmap from a File
You can load a bitmap from a file if the format of the file corresponds to
the standard MS OS/2 bitmap file format. (Any bitmap that you create using
Icon Editor is automatically stored in this format.) To load a bitmap, you
perform the following steps:
1  Copy the bitmap file into the directory that contains your application's
   resource file and source code.
2  Create an entry in your application's resource file, assigning a unique
   integer identifier to the bitmap.
3  Call the GpiLoadBitmap function in your application's source code,
   passing it the integer identifier that you assigned to the bitmap in your
   application's resource file.
The following code fragment, from an application's resource file, assigns
the integer value 200 to a bitmap file called custom.bmp:
BITMAP  200 custom.bmp
The following code fragment, from the application, shows how to retrieve a
bitmap handle by calling GpiLoadBitmap:
hbm = GpiLoadBitmap(hpsMem, /* presentation-space handle          */
    NULL,                   /* points to dynamic-link library     */
    200,                    /* bitmap identifier in resource file */
    99L,                    /* bitmap width                       */
    99L);                   /* bitmap height                      */
Storing a Bitmap in a Metafile
You can draw bitmaps in a metafile or segment by calling the GpiWCBitBlt
function. MS OS/2 converts this function to a drawing order. The
target-rectangle dimensions that you pass to GpiWCBitBlt are in world
coordinates, not device coordinates. The following code fragment shows how
to draw a bitmap in a metafile and then play the metafile:
 * Scale a custom bitmap created with Icon Editor so that it fits
 * the entire screen, and draw it into a metafile.
aptl[0].x = 0;
aptl[0].y = 0;
aptl[1].x = sWidth;             /* screen width            */
aptl[1].y = sHeight;            /* screen height           */
aptl[2].x = 0;
aptl[2].y = 0;
aptl[3].x = 99;                 /* width of custom bitmap  */
aptl[3].y = 99;                 /* height of custom bitmap */
GpiWCBitBlt(hpsMeta, hbm, 4L, aptl, ROP_SRCCOPY, BBO_IGNORE);
GpiAssociate(hpsMeta, NULL);
hmf = DevCloseDC(hdcMeta);
/* Set the options in the GpiPlayMetaFile array. */
alOptions[0] = 0L;              /* reserved                */
alOptions[1] = LT_DEFAULT;      /* uses default transforms */
alOptions[2] = 0L;              /* reserved                */
alOptions[3] = LC_DEFAULT;      /* uses default            */
alOptions[4] = RES_DEFAULT;     /* uses default            */
alOptions[5] = SUP_DEFAULT;     /* uses default            */
alOptions[6] = CTAB_DEFAULT;    /* uses default            */
alOptions[7] = CREA_DEFAULT;    /* uses default            */
/* Play the metafile. */
GpiPlayMetaFile(hps, hmf, 8L, alOptions, 0L, 0L, NULL);