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Using Help Manager (1.2)
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                             Using Help Manager
When using an application, a user should have three ways to access help: by
pressing the F1 key, by choosing commands from the Help menu, and by
clicking a Help button. Help Manager provides support for all three methods.
The following sections explain how to enable this support for your
Creating a Help Instance
An application can create an instance of Help Manager by using the
WinCreateHelpInstance function. This function installs a help hook,
initializes Help Manager for help processing, and returns a help-instance
window handle. The application uses the help-instance window handle to
direct Help Manager to carry out requests for help.
To create a help instance, the application first fills a HELPINIT structure
with information about the help table, the title of the help window, and the
help library for the help instance. In the following example, the hinit
parameter is the HELPINIT structure. The hab parameter is the anchor-block
handle of the application, returned by the WinInitialize function.
HAB hab;
HWND hwndHelp;
HELPINIT hinit = {
    sizeof(HELPINIT),                /* count of bytes in structure    */
    0L,                              /* return value from Help Manager */
    NULL,                            /* pointer to tutorial name       */
    MAKELONG(MY_RESOURCES, 0xFFFF)   /* resource ID for help table     */
    NULL,                            /* handle to help table           */
    NULL,                            /* handle to replacement menu     */
    0,                               /* replacement accelerator ID     */
    0,                               /* replacement menu ID            */
    "My Help!",                      /* help-window title              */
    CMIC_HIDE_PANEL_ID,              /* display help title only        */
    "c:\\os2\\help\\myhelp.hlp"      /* path to help library           */
hwndHelp = WinCreateHelpInstance(hab, &hinit);
The application must associate the help instance with a window by using the
WinAssociateHelpInstance function. This association tells Help Manager which
help instance to use when the user requests help in the window or in any of
that window's child or owned windows. A help instance can be associated with
any frame window (that is, any window created with the WC_FRAME class). The
application always can retrieve the handle of the associated window for a
help instance by using the WinQueryHelpInstance function.
The user requests help by pressing the F1 key, by choosing a command from
the Help menu, or by clicking a Help button. These actions cause MS OS/2 to
send a WM_HELP message to an application window procedure. To enable Help
Manager to process the message and display help, the window procedure should
pass the WM_HELP message to the WinDefWindowProc or WinDefDlgProc function.
Although most window procedures immediately pass the WM_HELP message to the
WinDefWindowProc or WinDefDlgProc function, a window procedure can carry out
some processing of the WM_HELP message before it passes the message, as
shown in the following example. In all cases, however, the window procedure
must return the value returned by WinDefWindowProc or WinDefDlgProc.
case WM_HELP:
    /* Preprocess the message here. */
    return (WinDefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2));
Creating a Help Table
A help table is a list of window IDs and corresponding help-panel IDs. For
each help request, Help Manager uses a help table to translate into a panel
ID the window ID given with the request for help. Every help instance must
have a help table.
The application must create the help table and associate the help table with
the help instance. An application creates a help table by defining it in a
resource script file or by initializing a HELPTABLE structure. Most
applications define the help table in the resource script file, using the
HELPTABLE and HELPSUBTABLE statements as follows:
In the preceding example, the HELPTABLE statement defines the help table. It
specifies help for two windows: the main window and a dialog window. (The
MY_MAIN_WINDOW and MY_DIALOG constants, defined elsewhere, must be unique
and must be equal to the window IDs for these given windows.)
The HELPITEM statements within the HELPTABLE statement identify the main and
dialog windows and the help subtables that apply to them. A help subtable
specifies the help-panel ID that corresponds to a window ID. The HELPITEM
statements also specify the help-panel ID for the extended help associated
with each window. For example, the dialog window has the help subtable
MY_DIALOG_HELP and the extended help panel IDH_DLG_EXTENDED (the
MY_DIALOG_HELP and IDH_DLG_EXTENDED constants must be defined elsewhere).
The HELPSUBTABLE statements define the window IDs and corresponding
help-panel IDs for each child window of the specified main or dialog
After receiving a help request, Help Manager determines which window is
active and uses the ID of the active window to select a help subtable. Help
Manager then determines the ID of the window that has the input focus (if
any) and uses the ID of the focus window with the selected help subtable to
identify the help panel. After Help Manager identifies the help panel, it
displays the help panel in the help window. Help Manager positions the help
window next to the "relative" window (the relative window is the window next
to which the system displays the help window). The relative window is
usually the active window, but it can be set to another window by using the
Creating a Help Library
You create a help library by using a text editor to create a help text file
and then compiling the help text file with the Information Presentation
Facility Compiler (IPFC). The help library must contain one or more help
panels, each with a unique panel ID or name. In the help text file, each
help panel must start with the :h1 tag. The help text file itself must start
with the :userdoc. tag and end with the :euserdoc. tag. The following help
text file contains two help panels:
    :h1 res=1.Extended Help
    Display this help when the user requests extended help.
    :h1 res=2.Other Help.
    Display this help when the user requests any other help.
The res= option with the :h1 tag identifies the panel ID for the help panel.
The text immediately following the :h1 tag specifies the title of the panel.
For example, "Extended Help" is the title of the first panel, and "Other
Help" is the title of the second. All subsequent text, up to the next :h1
tag, belongs to that help panel.
Using the F1 Key
The F1 key is the system Help key. Help Manager automatically enables this
key for a window whenever an application creates a help instance and
associates it with the frame window. The user can display help for specific
items in the window, such as menu commands, by selecting the item and
pressing the F1 key. Whenever the user presses the F1 key, Help Manager
retrieves the ID of the selected item and uses the ID to locate the
corresponding help-panel ID. If Help Manager finds a help-panel ID, it
displays that help panel. Otherwise, it displays the extended help panel.
Although Help Manager carries out all processing for the F1 key, the
application must provide appropriate help-table entries for each item that
can be selected. If the active window is not directly associated with a help
instance, Help Manager checks the window's parent and owner windows until it
finds an associated help instance. It first checks the parent window, the
parent window of the parent window, and so on, until it finds a window that
has an associated help instance. Help Manager checks the owner window only
if the parent-window check ended at the desktop and no help instance was
Using the Help Menu
The Help menu lets the user view general help for an application. The menu
appears as the last (rightmost) menu in the menu bar and contains the
following commands:
Command        Description
Help for Help  Displays general information about help and how to access
Extended Help  Displays information about the application window. This help
               information can explain the fields in the window, the
               window's purpose, and how the user should interact with the
Keys Help      Displays a list of the function keys used by the
Help index     Displays an alphabetic list of all the help-index entries for
               the application. The author of the help-text source file
               creates the help index by including index tags within the
               help file.
About          Displays copyright information for the application. The About
               command is used only in the Help menu for the application
The application must create the Help menu, add it to the menu bar, and
process the menu commands. The most convenient way to create the Help menu
and add it to the menu bar is to place the following statements in the
application's MENU statement in the resource script file:
SUBMENU "~Help", 1
    MENUITEM "~Help for Help...",    IDM_HELPFORHELP
    MENUITEM "~Extended Help...",    IDM_EXTENDEDHELP
    MENUITEM "~Keys Help...",        IDM_KEYSHELP
    MENUITEM "Help ~index...",       IDM_HELPINDEX
    MENUITEM "A~bout...",            IDM_ABOUT
You can assign any values for the IDM_ constants (IDM_HELPFORHELP and
IDM_EXTENDEDHELP, for example) as long as the values are unique within the
To process the menu commands, the window procedure for the application must
process the WM_COMMAND message. The application receives a WM_COMMAND
message whenever the user chooses one of the menu commands. For each
Help-menu command, the application must send an appropriate help message to
the help instance for the application, as shown in the following
    switch (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)) {
    case IDM_HELPFORHELP:           /* display help for help panel */
        WinSendMsg(hwndHelp, HM_DISPLAY_HELP,
    case IDM_EXTENDEDHELP:          /* display extended help       */
        WinSendMsg(hwndHelp, HM_EXT_HELP, 0L, 0L);
    case IDM_KEYSHELP:              /* display keys help panel     */
        WinSendMsg(hwndHelp, HM_KEYS_HELP, 0L, 0L);
    case IDM_HELPINDEX:             /* display help index          */
        WinSendMsg(hwndHelp, HM_HELP_INDEX, 0L, 0L);
    case IDM_ABOUT:                 /* create about dialog box     */
        WinDlgBox(HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, MyAboutProc,
            NULL, MY_ABOUTBOX, NULL); break;
    return (0L);
In the preceding statements, the HM_DISPLAY_HELP message directs Help
Manager to display the specific help panel. You can identify the panel by
using a panel ID or by using a panel name. In this example, the constant
HM_RESOURCEID directs Help Manager to locate the panel by using the
The HM_EXT_HELP message directs Help Manager to display extended help for
the help instance. The panel ID for extended help is specified in the help
table of the help instance. When Help Manager receives HM_EXT_HELP, it uses
the extended help-panel ID to locate and display extended help.
The HM_KEYS_HELP message directs Help Manager to display the help panel that
contains a description of the application keys. Although the application
must supply the panel ID for keys help, the HM_KEYS_HELP message does not
take parameters. Instead, whenever Help Manager receives this message, it
sends the HM_QUERY_KEYS_HELP message back to the application. The
application must return the keys-help panel ID as shown in the following
    return (IDH_KEYSHELP);
The HM_HELP_INDEX message directs Help Manager to display the help index for
the help instance. Because the help index has no explicit panel ID, this is
the only way to display the help index from the application.
Although the About command is usually placed in the Help menu, Help Manager
does not support the About command. The application can use the WinDlgBox
function to display a dialog box that contains copyright information in
response to the user's choosing the About command. A corresponding dialog
template must be defined in the resource script file.
Using Help Buttons
Help buttons provide an alternative way to display contextual help for
fields in dialog boxes. A Help button is a push button that displays help
information when the user clicks it by using the mouse. It usually appears
in the lower-right part of a dialog box. Clicking a Help button has the same
effect as pressing the F1 key (that is, it displays information about the
selected field).
The application must add Help buttons to dialog boxes, but Help Manager
carries out the processing. The most convenient way to add a Help button to
a dialog box is to use a PUSHBUTTON statement in the dialog template in the
resource script file. The following statements define a very simple dialog
box with a Help button:
    DIALOG "My Dialog!", MY_DIALOG, 0,0, 200,85,,FCF_TITLEBAR
        LTEXT "Enter name:", MY_LABEL, 10,40, 60,15
        ENTRYFIELD "", MY_DIALOG_EDIT, 70,40, 120,15, ES_MARGIN
        DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK", MY_OK, 10,10, 60,15
        PUSHBUTTON "~Help", MY_HELP, 110,10, 60,15,
The Help button must have the BS_HELP and BS_NOPOINTERFOCUS styles. When the
button has the BS_HELP style, the system interprets a button click as a
request for help. When the button has the BS_NOPOINTERFOCUS style, the input
focus does not move from the Help button when it is clicked; this allows
Help Manager to determine which field in the dialog box is selected.
Destroying a Help Instance
When a help instance is no longer needed, you can destroy it by using the
WinDestroyHelpInstance function. This function closes the help-instance
window and removes the corresponding help hook. Before destroying the help
instance, you should disassociate the help instance from the window by using
the WinAssociateHelpInstance function and specifying a NULL window handle.
After a help instance is disassociated, it can be destroyed.
Handling Errors
Help Manager functions typically indicate errors by returning FALSE. If a
function is unsuccessful, the application can use the WinGetLastError
function to retrieve the value of the error.
If the user is viewing a help panel when an error occurs, Help Manager sends
the HM_ERROR message to the active application window to notify the
application of the error. Help Manager does not display error messages to
the user; the application must display its own messages.
Help Hooks and Help Manager
Help Manager installs a help hook when the application creates the Help
Manager instance. This hook enables Help Manager to trap user requests for
help. When using Help Manager for your application, it is recommended that
you do not install your own help hooks. If you choose to do so, however, you
must install the help hook prior to creating the help instance, because the
Help Manager help-hook procedure always returns TRUE, preventing all
subsequent hook procedures from being called. If you do install a help hook,
it must return FALSE so that Help Manager can process requests for help.