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Using Segments and Retained Graphics (1.2)
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Using Segments and Retained Graphics
You can use segment and retained-graphics functions to perform the following
♦ Create a chained, chained-dynamic, or called segment.
♦ Draw the subpicture(s) associated with one or more segments.
♦ Delete a segment.
♦ Perform correlation operations on the subpicture associated with a
♦ Edit the contents of a segment.
♦ "Drag" the subpicture associated with a dynamic segment.
Creating a Chained Segment
To create a chained segment, you must perform the following tasks:
1 Set the drawing mode to retain.
2 Check to see whether the chained attribute is one of the initial segment
attributes by calling the GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs function.
3 If the chained attribute is not set, turn it on by calling the
GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs function.
4 Open the segment by calling the GpiOpenSegment function.
5 Perform the necessary drawing operations.
6 Close the segment by the calling the GpiCloseSegment function.
In the following example, the segment contains a box primitive and calls
another segment with the GpiCallSegmentMatrix function:
GpiSetDrawingMode(hps, DM_RETAIN);
if (ATTR_OFF == GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs(hps, ATTR_CHAINED))
GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs(hps, ATTR_CHAINED, ATTR_ON);
GpiOpenSegment(hps, ++idSegment);
ptl.x = 150; ptl.y = 150;
GpiMove(hps, &ptl);
ptl.x = 225; ptl.y = 225;
GpiBox(hps, DRO_FILL, &ptl, 0L, 0L);
GpiCallSegmentMatrix(hps, --idSegment, 9L, &matlfTransform,
Creating a Called Segment
To create a called segment, you must perform the following tasks:
1 Set the drawing mode to retain.
2 Check to see whether the chained attribute is one of the initial segment
attributes by calling the GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs function.
3 If the chained attribute is set, turn it off by calling the
GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs function.
4 Open the segment by calling the GpiOpenSegment function.
5 Perform the necessary drawing operations.
6 Close the segment by calling the GpiCloseSegment function.
The following code fragment shows how to draw a box in a called segment:
GpiSetDrawingMode(hps, DM_RETAIN);
if (ATTR_ON == GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs(hps, ATTR_CHAINED))
GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs(hps, ATTR_CHAINED, ATTR_OFF);
GpiOpenSegment(hps, idSegment);
ptl.x = 50; ptl.y = 50;
GpiMove(hps, &ptl);
ptl.x = 125; ptl.y = 125;
GpiBox(hps, DRO_FILL, &ptl, 0L, 0L);
Drawing a Segment Chain
To draw a segment chain, you call the GpiDrawChain function, as shown in the
following code fragment:
if (DM_DRAW != GpiQueryDrawingMode(hps))
GpiSetDrawingMode(hps, DM_DRAW);
Performing a Correlation Operation
To use a correlation operation, you must perform the following tasks:
1 Size the pick aperture by calling the GpiSetPickApertureSize function.
2 Perform the correlation operation by calling the GpiCorrelateChain
function, passing it the pick-aperture position as the third argument.
The following code fragment shows how to send the segment/chain identifiers
from the correlation operation to your application's window with a message
HitDetect(hps, hwnd)
HPS hps;
HWND hwnd;
LONG lMaxHits = 1;
LONG lMaxDepth = 1;
LONG alSegTag[MaxHits][MaxDepth][2]
CHAR szChar[80];
USHORT usCount;
GpiCorrelateChain(hps, PICKSEL_VISIBLE, &ptlPick,
lMaxHits, lMaxDepth, alSegTag);
sprintf(szChar, " Segment %ld Tag %ld ", alSegTag[0], alSegTag[1]);
WinMessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, szChar,
"Segment/Tag Pairs", 0, MB_OK);
for (usCount = 0; usCount < 2; usCount ++)
alSegTag[usCount] = 0;
Editing the Contents of a Segment
To edit the contents of a segment, you must perform the following steps:
1 Set the segment edit mode to insert or replace by calling the
GpiSetEditMode function.
2 Set the drawing mode to retain.
3 Open the segment by calling the GpiOpenSegment function, passing it the
segment identifier from a previous correlation operation.
4 Set the element pointer so that it points to the position at which you
will replace or insert an element by calling the GpiSetElementPointer,
GpiSetElementPointerAtLabel, or GpiOffsetElementPointer function.
5 Insert the new primitives by calling any of the Gpi primitive functions.
6 Delete any unnecessary primitives by calling the GpiDeleteElement or
GpiDeleteElementRange function.
7 Close the segment by calling the GpiCloseSegment function.
The following code fragment shows how to insert three elements in a
The first element contains the graphics order that sets the color to yellow;
the second element moves the current position; and the third element draws
an outlined box with rounded corners. After inserting the three elements,
the code deletes the elements at positions five and six in the segment
(these elements were previously at positions two and three).
GpiSetEditMode(hps, SEGEM_INSERT);
GpiSetDrawingMode(hps, DM_RETAIN);
GpiOpenSegment(hps, 2L);
GpiSetElementPointer(hps, 1L);
GpiSetColor(hps, CLR_YELLOW);
ptl.x = 30; ptl.y = 30;
GpiMove(hps, &ptl);
ptl.x = 150; ptl.y = 150;
GpiBox(hps, DRO_OUTLINE, &ptl, 40L, 40L);
GpiDeleteElementRange(hps, 5L, 6L);