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Using the Clipboard (1.2)
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                            Using the Clipboard
Applications should use the clipboard when cutting, copying, or pasting
data. Typically, an application places data on the clipboard for cut and
copy operations and removes data from the clipboard for paste operations. An
application can use the standard clipboard-data formats or create its own
formats. An application that uses custom clipboard formats often becomes the
clipboard owner, assuming control of drawing or freeing data on the
Clipboard data does not need to be generated, or rendered, when it is placed
on the clipboard. Instead, an application can delay rendering, waiting until
the data is requested by another application.
Finally, an application can become the clipboard viewer, showing the
clipboard contents, and receiving messages when the clipboard contents
Putting Data on the Clipboard
To put data on the clipboard, an application must first call the
WinOpenClipbrd function to verify that other applications are not trying to
retrieve or set clipboard data. The WinOpenClipbrd function does not return
if another thread has the clipboard open. The WinOpenClipbrd function waits
until the clipboard is free or there is a message in the calling thread's
message queue. In practice, this means that the WinOpenClipbrd function
waits until the clipboard is available or until the calling application
responds to a message. If the clipboard cannot be opened before a message
arrives, the application receives the message and the WinOpenClipbrd
function continues to try to open the clipboard. The WinOpenClipbrd function
does not return until the clipboard is open. However, the application
continues receiving messages.
Once an application successfully opens the clipboard, it should remove any
previously stored data on the clipboard by calling the WinEmptyClipbrd
function. Although the clipboard supports many data formats, all the formats
on the clipboard should represent the same data at any one time. For this
reason, it is important to clear the clipboard of old data before writing
new data. If the clipboard is not cleared, writing a format that already
exists on the clipboard will replace the old data with the new data.
When the clipboard is cleared, an application should write its data to the
clipboard in as many standard formats as possible. For each format, the
application should pass the data to the clipboard by calling the
WinSetClipbrdData function, specifying the data format. Because the
clipboard is not cleared when a new format is written to the clipboard, all
new data formats coexist with each other until the clipboard is cleared by
the next clipboard user.
Data passed to the clipboard can take many forms, depending on the format of
the data. For text data, the data handle is a selector to a shared segment
containing the text. For bitmap data, the data handle is a bitmap handle.
For a metafile format, the data handle is a metafile handle. If an
application passes NULL for the data handle, it renders the data on
Once an application passes a selector or a handle to the clipboard, the
application should not alter the contents of that segment or handle. The
clipboard owns that data from then on.
Finally, when an application finishes writing the clipboard data, it should
release the clipboard by calling the WinCloseClipbrd function so that other
applications can use the clipboard.
The following code fragment shows how an application places text data on the
clipboard, how it opens the clipboard, copies the text to a shared segment,
empties the clipboard, and passes the selector to the clipboard:
if (WinOpenClipbrd(hab)) {
     * Allocate a shareable segment for the data szClipString in the
     * application's copy of the text.
    if (usSuccess = DosAllocSeg(strlen(szClipString) + 1,
            &sel, SEG_GIVEABLE )) {
        /* Make a far pointer (selector:0) out of the selector. */
        pszDest = MAKEP(sel, 0);
        /* Set up the source pointer to point to text. */
        pszSrc = &szClipString[0];
        /* Copy the string to the segment. */
        while (*pszDest++ = *pszSrc++);
        /* Clear old data from the clipboard. */
         * Pass the selector to the clipboard in CF_TEXT format. Note that
         * the selector must be a ULONG value.
        fSuccess = WinSetClipbrdData(hab, (ULONG) sel,
            CF_TEXT, CFI_SELECTOR);
        /* Close the clipboard. */
Retrieving Data from the Clipboard
To retrieve data from the clipboard, an application must first call the
WinOpenClipbrd function to verify that no other applications are trying to
retrieve or set the clipboard data.
Once an application successfully opens the clipboard, it should call the
WinQueryClipbrdData function, specifying a preferred format. If that format
is not available, indicated by a NULL return from the WinQueryClipbrdData
function, the application should repeat calls to the WinQueryClipbrdData
function for other possible formats until it either receives the data or
runs out of format choices.
If the clipboard contains one of the requested formats, the
WinQueryClipbrdData function returns a 32-bit integer, the meaning of which
depends on the particular format. For text data, the return value is a
selector (in the lower 16 bits of the long integer) to a shareable segment
containing the text. For bitmap data, the return value is a bitmap handle.
For metafile data, the return value is a metafile handle.
Whatever the format, the handle or selector returned is valid only while the
clipboard remains open. An application can use the data while the clipboard
is open or copy the data to its own memory and use it after the clipboard is
It is important that an application close the clipboard as soon as possible
so that other applications can access it.
The following code fragment shows how to open the clipboard, retrieve data
in the requested format, copy the data to a local segment, and close the
if (WinOpenClipbrd(hab)) {
   if (hText = WinQueryClipbrdData(hab, CF_TEXT)) {
      /* Turn the selector into a pointer. */
      pszClipText = MAKEP((SEL) hText, 0);
      /* Copy text from the selector segment to a local segment. */
      while (*pszLocalText++ = *pszClipText++);
Becoming the Clipboard Viewer
A window can become a clipboard viewer and display the current contents of
the clipboard. The clipboard viewer is informed whenever the clipboard
contents change. Typically, the clipboard viewer is a window that can draw
the standard clipboard formats. The clipboard viewer is a convenience for
the user; it does not have any effect on the data-transaction functions of
the clipboard.
To create a clipboard viewer, an application calls the WinSetClipbrdViewer
function, specifying the window in which the clipboard data will be
displayed. This is usually the client window of an application. There can
only be one clipboard viewer at any time in the system, so setting a
clipboard viewer replaces any previous clipboard viewer. The
WinQueryClipbrdViewer function receives the handle to the current clipboard
viewer so that the application can reset it when finished with the clipboard
Once a window becomes the clipboard viewer, it receives WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD
messages whenever the contents of the clipboard change. The window should
respond to these messages by drawing the contents of the clipboard.
The clipboard viewer displays all the standard formats and should process
CFI_OWNERDISPLAY items by sending the appropriate message to the clipboard
Three special formats exist for of the clipboard viewer: CF_DSPTEXT,
CF_DSPBITMAP, and CF_DSPMETAFILE. Applications that write data to the
clipboard in private formats should also write the data in one of these
formats. These DSP formats should be a representation of the private
formats. If the clipboard viewer does not find one of the standard formats
(CF_TEXT, CF_BITMAP, or CF_METAFILE), it can search for one of the DSP
formats. Display strategies for these formats are the same as for the
corresponding standard formats.
The following code fragment shows how a sample clipboard viewer responds to
the WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message, drawing text and bitmap data in its window.
Note that the code uses the data retrieved from the clipboard before closing
the clipboard. An alternate strategy would be to copy the data to a local
segment and then close the clipboard. In any case, the original data from
the clipboard cannot be used after the clipboard is closed.
    if (!WinOpenClipbrd(hab))
        return 0L;
    if (hText = WinQueryClipbrdData(hab, CF_TEXT)) {
        pszText = MAKEP((SEL) hText, 0);
        hps = WinGetPS(hwnd);
        WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &rect);
            0xFFFF,                      /* null-terminated string  */
            pszText,                     /* the string              */
            &rect,                       /* where to put the string */
            CLR_BLACK,                   /* foreground color        */
            CLR_WHITE,                   /* background color        */
        WinValidateRect(hwnd, (PRECTL) NULL, FALSE);
    else if (hBitmap = WinQueryClipbrdData(hab, CF_BITMAP)) {
        hps = WinGetPS(hwnd);
        ptlDest.x = ptlDest.y = 0;
        WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &rect);
        WinFillRect(hps, &rect, CLR_WHITE);
            (PRECTL) NULL,               /* draws entire bitmap     */
            &ptlDest,                    /* destination             */
            CLR_BLACK,                   /* foreground color        */
            CLR_WHITE,                   /* background color        */
            DBM_NORMAL);                 /* bitmap flags            */
        WinValidateRect(hwnd, (PRECTL) NULL, FALSE);
    WinCloseClipbrd(hab);                /* closes the clipboard    */
    return 0L;
The clipboard viewer uses a similar sequence of calls to get clipboard data
when responding to a WM_PAINT message.
The clipboard viewer is also responsible for sending messages to the
clipboard owner when clipboard data has the attribute CFI_OWNERDISPLAY.
Typically, an application sets the attribute CFI_OWNERDISPLAY only for
private clipboard formats and not for any standard formats. The clipboard
viewer must send messages to the clipboard owner when the clipboard owner
does not provide a standard clipboard format in addition to its private
formats. In this case, the viewer sends messages to the clipboard owner of a
CFI_OWNERDISPLAY format to draw, scroll, and resize the clipboard-image
The clipboard viewer determines the attributes of a particular clipboard
format by calling the WinQueryClipbrdFmtInfo function. The identity of the
current owner can be found by calling the WinQueryClipbrdOwner function.
Becoming the Clipboard Owner
The clipboard owner is any application window that is connected to the
clipboard data. To become the clipboard owner, an application must call the
WinSetClipbrdOwner function. The following are situations in which an
application should call the WinSetClipbrdOwner function to become the
clipboard owner:
♦  The application calling the WinSetClipbrdData function passes a NULL
   selector or handle to the clipboard, indicating that the application
   renders the data in a particular format on request. As a result, the
   system sends rendering requests to the current clipboard owner.
♦  The application calling the WinSetClipbrdData function passes data with
   the attribute CFI_OWNERFREE, indicating that the application frees memory
   for data when the clipboard is emptied. As a result, the system sends
   owner-free requests to the current clipboard owner.
♦  The application calling the WinSetClipbrdData function passes data with
   the attribute CFI_OWNERDISPLAY, indicating that the owner application
   draws the data in the clipboard viewer. As a result, the clipboard viewer
   sends drawing-related requests to the current clipboard owner.
The window specified in the call to the WinSetClipbrdOwner function should
respond to the following messages:
Message              Description
WM_RENDERFMT         Sent by the system to the clipboard owner when a
                     particular format with delayed rendering must be
                     rendered. The receiver should render the data in the
                     specified format and pass it to the clipboard by
                     calling the WinSetClipbrdData function.
WM_RENDERALLFMTS     Sent by the system to the clipboard owner just before
                     the owner application terminates. The receiver should
                     render the clipboard data in all formats on the
                     clipboard with delayed rendering. It should pass the
                     data for each format to the clipboard by calling the
                     WinSetClipbrdData function.
WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD  Sent by the system to the clipboard owner when the
                     clipboard is cleared by another application calling the
                     WinEmptyClipbrd function. The receiver should free the
                     memory occupied by any clipboard formats using the
                     attribute CFI_OWNERFREE.
WM_SIZECLIPBOARD     Sent by the clipboard viewer to the clipboard owner
                     when the clipboard contains the data handle with the
                     attribute CFI_OWNERDISPLAY and when the
                     clipboard-viewer changes size. When the clipboard
                     viewer is being destroyed or reduced to an icon, this
                     message is sent with the coordinates of the opposite
                     corners set to (0,0), which permits the owner to free
                     its display resources.
WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD  Sent by the clipboard viewer to the clipboard owner
                     when the clipboard contains data with the attribute
                     CFI_OWNERDISPLAY and when an event occurs in the
                     clipboard-viewer scroll bars. The receiver should
                     respond to this message by scrolling the image,
                     invalidating the appropriate area of the clipboard
                     viewer, and updating the scroll-bar position.
WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD  Sent by the clipboard viewer to the clipboard owner
                     when the clipboard contains data with the attribute
                     CFI_OWNERDISPLAY and when an event occurs in the scroll
                     bars of the clipboard viewer. The receiver should
                     respond to this message by scrolling the image,
                     invalidating the appropriate area of the clipboard
                     viewer, and updating the scroll-bar position.
WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD    Sent by the clipboard viewer to the clipboard owner
                     when the clipboard contains data with the attribute
                     CFI_OWNERDISPLAY and when the clipboard-viewer client
                     area needs repainting. The receiver should respond to
                     this message by painting the requested format (by
                     calling WinGetPS for the window handle of the clipboard
An application automatically loses ownership of the clipboard when the
clipboard data is cleared by the WinEmptyClipbrd function. Ownership is
necessary only when data is present on the clipboard. Typically, an
application loses ownership when another application places data on the
Custom Clipboard Formats
Applications often use custom clipboard formats when standard formats are
insufficient for representing clipboard data. For example, a word processor
might have a rich-text format that contains font and style information in
addition to the usual text characters. Clearly, if the word processor uses
the clipboard to support cut, copy, and paste operations for moving data in
its documents, a standard text format would be inadequate.
Such a word processor should write at least two formats to the clipboard for
each cut or copy operation: a standard text format representing the text of
the current selection, and a private rich-text format representing the true
state of the selection. If the word processor performs a paste operation
using clipboard data, it can use the rich-text format to retain all
formatting. If another application requests the same data, it can use the
standard-text format if it does not recognize the private format. The word
processor should also be able to render data in CF_BITMAP and CF_METAFILE
formats for painting or drawing applications.
Assigning a Unique Format ID
Each private format must have an identification number when it is written to
the clipboard. To obtain a unique ID number for a private clipboard format,
the application should register the name of the format in the system atom
table. The system assigns a unique ID number for the format name. Other
applications that know the format name can query the system atom table for
the format ID. An application can interpret its own private formats and can
request them from the clipboard for cutting and pasting its own data. Other
applications that know the private format ID can also interpret the
formatted data. The following code fragment illustrates how an application
obtains a unique identification number for a clipboard format. This
technique can be used either by the application that creates the format or
by another application.
hatomtbl = WinQuerySystemAtomTable();
formatID = WinAddAtom(hatomtbl, "SuperCAD_Format");
Display Formats
Three standard display formats exist for applications that use private
formats: CF_DSPTEXT, CF_DSPBITMAP, and CF_DSPMETAFILE. These three formats
correspond to the standard text, bitmap, and metafile formats with the
exception that they are intended only for use by the clipboard viewer. An
application that uses a private format should write one of the DSP formats
that approximates the appearance of the private data so that the clipboard
viewer can display the data regardless of the format. For example, a word
processor using the rich-text format should also write a CF_DSPBITMAP
formatted picture of the selected text that contains all the type fonts and
styles. Note that you might choose delayed rendering for DSP formats because
there may not always be a clipboard viewer active on the screen. With
delayed rendering, an application does not actually render the format unless
it is requested to do so.
Delayed Rendering
An application can pass NULL instead of a selector or a handle, indicating
that the data is rendered only when another application requests it from the
clipboard. This is useful if an application supports several clipboard
formats that are time-consuming to render. With delayed rendering, an
application can send NULL handles for each clipboard format that it
supports, and render individual formats only when the format is actually
requested from the clipboard. An application can either write data for
standard formats or choose delayed rendering for more complex formats.
When an application uses delayed rendering for one or more of its clipboard
formats, it must become the clipboard owner. As long as the application is
the clipboard owner, it receives a WM_RENDERFMT message whenever a request
is received by the clipboard for a format using delayed rendering. When the
application receives such a message, it should render the data and pass the
selector or handle to the clipboard by calling the WinSetClipbrdData
function. The rules for shared-memory access for rendered data are the same
as those for standard clipboard data. This is simply a delayed execution of
the operation that occurs if the data does not have delayed rendering.
The clipboard owner with one or more delayed-rendering formats on the
clipboard receives a WM_RENDERALLFMTS message just before the clipboard
owner application terminates. This insures that the application renders all
of its data before terminating.