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About Presentation Spaces and Device Contexts (1.2)
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               About Presentation Spaces and Device Contexts
This topic describes presentation spaces and device contexts. You should
also be familiar with the following topics:
    Coordinate spaces and transformations
    Segments and retained graphics
A presentation space is a data structure maintained by MS OS/2 that
describes an application's device-independent drawing environment. A device
context links a presentation space to a device and gives an application
access to important device information.
Presentation Spaces
There are two kinds of presentation spaces: normal and micro. You must use a
normal presentation space to display and print output on multiple devices (a
video display and a printer, for instance) or if your application uses the
segment and retained-drawing functions to generate complex drawings. You
should use a micro presentation space only to display and print output on a
single device or if your application's output is a simple drawing.
There are two kinds of micro presentation spaces: standard and cached. Use a
standard micro presentation space to send output to a printer, a plotter, or
any device; use a cached-micro presentation space to send output to a window
on the display device.
Normal Presentation Spaces
Because normal presentation spaces use more memory than micro presentation
spaces, you should use them only when they are required. To create a normal
presentation space, use the GpiCreatePS function. You can then associate the
normal presentation space with a device and reassociate it later with a new
device when you need to direct output to that second device. To associate a
normal presentation space with a device when you create the presentation
space, use the GPIA_ASSOC flag when you call GpiCreatePS. To associate a
normal presentation space with a second or a third device later while your
application is running, call the GpiAssociate function.
Micro Presentation Spaces
You can create a standard micro presentation space by calling the
GpiCreatePS function and specifying the GPIT_MICRO flag. You must associate
a standard micro presentation space with a device when you create the
presentation space by specifying the GPIA_ASSOC flag as one of the options
to GpiCreatePS and by supplying a handle that identifies a device context.
You cannot reassociate a micro presentation space with another device.
The window manager maintains a cache of micro presentation spaces for
windows on a video display. You can access a cached-micro presentation space
by calling the WinGetPS or WinBeginPaint function. You need not associate a
cached-micro presentation space with the display; the window manager takes
care of this for you.
The following functions are not allowed in a micro presentation space:
    GpiAssociate                          GpiQueryDrawingMode
    GpiBeginElement                       GpiQueryEditMode
    GpiCallSegmentMatrix                  GpiQueryElement
    GpiCloseSegment                       GpiQueryElementPointer
    GpiCorrelateChain                     GpiQueryElementType
    GpiCorrelateFrom                      GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs
    GpiCorrelateSegment                   GpiQuerySegmentAttrs
    GpiDeleteElement                      GpiQuerySegmentNames
    GpiDeleteElementRange                 GpiQuerySegmentPriority
    GpiDeleteElementsBetweenLabels        GpiQuerySegmentTransformMatrix
    GpiDeleteSegment                      GpiQueryStopDraw
    GpiDeleteSegments                     GpiQueryTag
    GpiDrawChain                          GpiQueryViewingTransformMatrix
    GpiDrawDynamics                       GpiRemoveDynamics
    GpiDrawFrom                           GpiResetBoundaryData
    GpiDrawSegment                        GpiSetAttrMode
    GpiElement                            GpiSetDefaultTag
    GpiEndElement                         GpiSetDrawControl
    GpiErrorSegmentData                   GpiSetDrawingMode
    GpiGetData                            GpiSetEditMode
    GpiLabel                              GpiSetElementPointer
    GpiOffsetElementPointer               GpiSetElementPointerAtLabel
    GpiOpenSegment                        GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs
    GpiPop                                GpiSetSegmentAttrs
    GpiPutData                            GpiSetSegmentPriority
    GpiQueryAttrMode                      GpiSetSegmentTransformMatrix
    GpiQueryBoundaryData                  GpiSetStopDraw
    GpiQueryDefaultTag                    GpiSetTag
    GpiQueryDrawControl                   GpiSetViewingTransformMatrix
Saving and Restoring Presentation Spaces
You can save the contents of a presentation space, modify its fields, draw
in the modified presentation space, and then restore it to its original
state. The GpiSavePS function saves the contents of a presentation space and
the GpiRestorePS function restores them. When you call GpiSavePS, MS OS/2
copies the following items from the current presentation space onto a
special stack:
♦  Primitive attributes
♦  Transformation matrices
♦  Viewing limit
♦  Clip path
♦  Clip region
♦  Current position
♦  Loaded logical color table
♦  Loaded logical font
You can push the contents of a presentation space on the stack, and you can
do so as many times as is necessary. The GpiRestorePS function pops the
contents of a presentation space off the stack.
Destroying Presentation Spaces
Because presentation spaces consume a considerable amount of memory, you
should destroy them whenever your application no longer needs them. To
destroy a normal or micro presentation space, call the GpiDestroyPS
function. Once you finish using a cached-micro presentation space that was
accessed by using the WinGetPS function, you can release it by calling the
WinReleasePS function. You need not destroy a presentation space that you
accessed by using the WinBeginPaint function; MS OS/2 does this for you when
you call the WinEndPaint function.
Device Contexts
Device contexts link presentation spaces to devices by converting
device-independent presentation-space information into device-dependent
information. (This conversion occurs in the device driver, a low-level
program that is transparent at the API level.) Device contexts also give
applications access to important device information such as screen
dimensions or printer capabilities.
There are two kinds of device contexts: normal and cached. A normal device
context links a presentation space with any type of device. A cached device
context can link a presentation space only with a window on a video
Normal Device Contexts
There are five types of normal device contexts:
1  Queued
2  Direct
3  Information
4  Memory
5  Metafile
Each of these device contexts serves a specific purpose. A queued device
context links a presentation space with a printer or plotter shared by
multiple users. Queued devices store print jobs by using a program called a
print spooler that keeps track of the order in which jobs arrive at the
printer and the order in which they are printed. A direct device context
links a presentation space with a printer or a plotter controlled by a
single user and does not queue print jobs or other output. An information
device context is a special device context that forms a one-way link to a
device. An application can use an information device context to query a
device but cannot send output to the device. A memory device links a
presentation space with system memory. Memory device contexts are useful in
applications that keep a "shadow" bitmap of the client area in a window. A
metafile device context links a presentation space with a metafile.
Applications that create complex drawings use metafiles to store the
You can create a normal device context by calling the DevOpenDC function.
This function requires you to specify one of the five types. It also
requires that you pass important device-initialization data, including a
logical address, the device-driver name, device-driver data, a description
of the device type, and information about the queue (if the device is a
queued device). The device-initialization data is passed in a DEVOPENSTRUC
The last six fields in this structure apply only to queued devices.
Cached Device Contexts
You can obtain a handle to one of the cached device contexts by calling the
WinOpenWindowDC function. A cached device context is a direct device context
that links a presentation space with a window in a video display. You should
use a cached device context whenever a task will send output only to a
Closing Device Contexts
To close a device context that your application opened by calling the
DevOpenDC function, you can call the DevCloseDC function. However, you
should not try to close a device context that you opened by using the
WinOpenWindowDC function; MS OS/2 will do this for you automatically when
you destroy the associated window.
Linking Presentation Spaces with Devices
When you call the GpiCreatePS function and pass it the GPIA_ASSOC flag or
when you call the GpiAssociate function, MS OS/2 requires that you pass the
device-context handle returned by the DevOpenDC or WinOpenWindowDC function.
This handle identifies the device context that links a presentation space to
a device. Once you have established this link, any drawing operations
performed using the presentation-space handle will also be performed on the
associated device. Once an application is through using a particular device,
it should disassociate the presentation space and the device by calling
GpiAssociate and passing NULL as the second argument. A presentation space
can be associated with a new device only after it has been disassociated
from the original device, since it is not possible to associate a
presentation space with more than one device at a time.
The Presentation Page
One of the arguments to the GpiCreatePS function is a SIZEL structure that
specifies the dimensions of the presentation space's presentation page. A
presentation page is a representation of a page on a printer or a plotter or
a representation of a maximized window on a video display. MS OS/2 uses
presentation pages to scale and position output on a device. For more
information about presentation pages, see the topic
Coordinate spaces and transformations.
The page-unit constant PS_UNITS, which is another argument to GpiCreatePS,
is related to the SIZEL structure. This constant can be one of seven
The page-unit constant defines the dimensions of each unit on the
presentation page. For example, if you specify PU_PELS, the length of each
page unit in the x-direction will be identical to the width of a pel, and
the length of each page unit in the y-direction will be identical to the
height of a pel on the selected output device. If you specify PU_LOENGLISH,
each page unit will measure 0.01 inches in the x- and y-directions.
If you link a presentation space to a device when you call GpiCreatePS, MS
OS/2 automatically assigns page dimensions to your presentation page. If you
do not link a presentation space to a device when you call GpiCreatePS, you
must assign the page dimensions.
Determining Device Capabilities
Once you have created a device context for a particular output device, you
can determine the capabilities of that device by calling the DevQueryCaps
function. This function retrieves the following information:
♦  Device technology (whether the device is a raster or vector device)
♦  Maximized window dimensions (if the device is a video display)
♦  Page dimensions (if the device is a printer or plotter)
♦  Character-box dimensions
♦  Marker-box dimensions
♦  Pel resolution
♦  Color capabilities
♦  Mix-mode capabilities
You can use this information to, for example, select fonts, set up the
presentation page, or create a new logical color table.