overview.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
About Title-Bar Controls (1.2)
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                          About Title-Bar Controls
This topic describes creating and using title-bar control windows. The
title-bar control window is part of a standard frame window. You should also
be familiar with the following topics:
    Frame windows
    Messages and message queues
The title bar in a standard frame window performs four functions. First, it
displays the title of the window across the top of the frame. Second, it
changes its highlight appearance to show whether the frame window is active
or not. Normally, the topmost window in a screen display is the active
window. Third, the title bar responds to the user──for example, when the
user drags the frame window to a new location on the screen. Finally, the
title bar flashes (as a result of the WinFlashWindow function).
Title-bar control windows, like all control windows, must be owned by
another window. Title-bar controls are owned by the frame window. A
title-bar control sends messages to its owner when the control receives user