P-Code Instructions (pcode.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──P-Code Instructions───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  /* Push address of the global variable onto the stack */
  Possible Instructions
  LdgA0...LdgA4, LdgAb
  See: P-Code Operands
  Load the near address of the specified global variable onto the stack.
  The global variable specified is relative to an internal p-code table of
  function references (for LngdA0...LdngA4) or an internal table of
  segment references (for LdgAb).
  This can be generated by assigning a pointer to a global variable. For
  pTest = &wGlobal
  Pseudocode equivalent:
  // pfh = pointer-to-function: an internal p-code table
  //  of references
  PushW(*(pfh + <n>));
  // pspi = pointer-to-segment: an internal p-code table
  // of references
  PushW(*(pspi + <n>));
  If the index <n> is specified as an immediate operand, then the global
  variable address may be near or far. This results in either one or two
  words on the stack.
  The decision is made by the compiler and is implemented at run time
  using a range check on the index.