Printers and Fonts Kit(3.1) (pfk31qh.hlp) (Topic list)
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typedef struct tagTRANSTABLE {
    SYMBOLSET symbolSet;        /* kind of translation table */
    DWORD offset;               /* location of user-defined table */
    WORD len;                   /* length (in bytes) of table */
    BYTE firstchar,lastchar;    /* table range */
The TRANSTABLE structure contains information needed to translate font
characters from the character set specified by the dfCharSet member into the
printer-specific character set.
Member     Description
symbolSet  Specifies the symbol-set identifier, such as epsymRoman8 or
offset     Specifies the byte offset from beginning of the file to a
           custom-translation table.
len        Specifies the size of the custom-translation table.
firstchar  Specifies the first character translated in the table.
lastchar   Specifies the last character translated.
When the symbolSet member of the xtbl member equals epsymUserDefined, the
driver uses the custom-translation table pointed to by the offset member of
the xtbl member. However, the Windows PCL driver currently ignores all
members in the TRANSTABLE structure except the symbolSet member of the xtbl
member. In other words, even if a custom-translation table is put in for
future support, the current driver ignores it.