Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Load Switch
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Load (Text)
     The Load switch specifies the filename of a PWB extension to load.
     See: About PWB Extensions
     When this switch is assigned a value, PWB loads the specified
     extension. The initialization specified in the extension is
     performed, and the functions and switches defined by the extension
     become available in PWB.
     The extension can be loaded during initialization of a TOOLS.INI
     section. You can also interactively load an extension by using the
     Editor Settings command from the Options menu or by using the
     Assign function to assign a value to the Load switch.
     See: Assign, Initialize
          Options menu, Editor Settings
          Tagged Sections in TOOLS.INI
     <path>         Can be a path or an environment-variable specifier.
                    See: Environment-Variable Specifiers
     <basename>     Base name of the extension executable file.
     <ext>          Normally you do not specify a filename extension.