Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Pwbhelp PWBHELP Function
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Pwbhelp («pwbhelp»)
          Displays the default Microsoft Advisor Help screens.
     Arg Pwbhelp («arg» «pwbhelp»)
          Displays Help on the topic at the cursor.
          Equivalent to the macro _pwbhelp_context («_pwbhelp_context»).
     Arg textarg Pwbhelp («arg» textarg «pwbhelp»)
          Displays Help on the specified text argument.
     Arg streamarg Pwbhelp («arg» streamarg «pwbhelp»)
          Displays Help on the selected text. The selection cannot
          include more than one line.
     Meta Pwbhelp («meta» «pwbhelp»)
          Prompts for a key, then displays Help on the function or macro
          assigned to the key you press.
          If you press a key that is not assigned to a function or
          macro, PWB displays Help on the Unassigned function. If you
          press a key that PWB does not recognize, the prompt remains
          displayed until you press a key that PWB recognizes.
     True:  Help topic found
     False: Help topic not found