◄Up► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back► ─────Programmer's WorkBench───────────────────────────────────────────────── The Pwbrowse1stdef function is similar to the Pwbrowsegotodef function but does not bring up a dialog box. If you specify an ambiguous name, the browser displays the Ambiguous Name dialog box. See: Pwbrowsegotodef, ◄Ambiguous Name► Pwbrowse1stdef («pwbrowse1stdef») Goes to the first place where the name at the cursor is defined. Arg textarg │ streamarg Pwbrowse1stdef («arg» textarg │ streamarg «pwbrowse1stdef») Goes to the first place where the specified name is defined. See Pwbrowsenext, Pwbrowsepop, Pwbrowseprev -♦-